Màkari: the second season of the Rai fiction starts tonight

D.fter the huge success of the first season, tonight on first tv on Rai 1 at 21.25 back Makarithe fiction starring Claudio Gioè in the role of the investigator “by chance” Saverio Lamanna.

Set in the magical setting of the Trapani seaside village, a few meters from San Vito Lo Capo, the series consists of three new episodes drawn, as always, from the cult novels of Gaetano Savattieri.

With a rich cast – this year we will also see Lorenzo Crespi and Cristina Marinowife of Luca Argentero -, fiction has now entered the hearts of all spectators “Orphans” de Commissioner Montalbano. Thanks to a few but simple ingredients like a “sui generis” investigator, a splendid corner of Sicily and especially, a mystery to be solved.

Il Volo, the trio signs the theme song for the fiction

Makari: where were we

Former rampant reporter who flees from Milan to return to his SicilySaverio Lamanna-Claudio Gioè, is immediately welcomed by fellow citizens with a mix of amazement and distrust. He finds it though the friendship of the funny Piccionello and the love of beautiful SuleimaEster Pantano, a charming waitress with the dream of becoming an architect.

Below, the trailer for the second season


Nosy but with an unparalleled investigative flair, the man will soon find himself investigating a series of crimes which will lead him to the decision of become a writer. In the last episode, The star factory, Saverio solves a murky case that mixed cinema, economic interests and domestic violence.

But the real twist came from Suleima that, after an alleged pregnancy, leaves Màkari to move to Milan and make his professional dreams come true.

The previews of the new episode

Suleima has therefore lived in Milan for a year and the relationship with Saverio begins to suffer for the distance. The two meet again in Agrigento, together with their trusted friend Peppe Piccionello but the girl arrives with his boss, Teodoro Bettiniof which Saverio has been for some time very jealous.

Meanwhile, still in Agrigento, the body of the professor is found Demetrio Alù, great archaeologist and leading expert on the Templeswhich Saverio and Peppe had met in those days.

Màkari Claudio Gioè Rai 1

(Photo by Valentina Glorioso)

Saverio immediately understands that the motive for the crime it has to do with the response that Alù should have given about the greatest mystery of the Valley: where are the remains of the Ancient Theater of Agrigento. Mystery on which enormous interests now depend.

Man will thus find himself having to unravel the situation tangled skein of murder while Suleima tells his companion that he is ready to return permanently to Sicily. It happens though something unexpected that will not let our Saverio sleep peacefully …

The words of Claudio Gioè

The actor, seen in many successful Rai fictions, including The boss of bosseson his character declared that «Saverio that’s what looks most like me. As a Sicilian it is always a pleasure to work here ». He then told of the direct link that binds him to Andrea Camilleri, the legendary’s “father” Inspector Montalbano.

There would not be Makari without Camilleri“, he has declared. «Sicily in black and white is over and thanks to him we have only emerged from violent and dramatic themes. Camilleri baked one Brighter Sicily“.

This role left me with a strong ethical imprint»Gioè continued,« That of not following easy successes, like a career in Milan that the protagonist has the strength not to choose. He prefers stay in Sicily, just like me. It’s nice to be back with very welcoming people and feel thehuge embrace of my land“.

Also Ester Pantano he told a little more about his Suleima. “It has changed since the first season,” she explained, “it is much more convivial, more mature, more self-confident. Three months of sets takes a lot both physical and artistic presence“. All the more, she added, that on the set «I was surrounded almost only by men!“.



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