Màkari 3 second episode: plot, previews, cast, TV series

Lthe first episode of Màkari 3 he kept glued to the TV almost 4 million viewers. The series set in Sicily, taken from the detective stories by Gaetano Savatteri, starring him writer/cop Saverio Lamannathe friend Peppe Piccionello And Suleima brought a breath of lightness and spring to the schedule of Rai 1.

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Tonight at 9.30pm the second episode of the title is broadcast The perfect city. Our “heroes” move to Gibellinathe city ​​transformed after the Belice earthquake of 1968 (the current town centre, built after the earthquake, is 11 km from the previous one. The old centre, destroyed, was transformed into the Cretto di Burri, an extraordinary work of land art). Here Lamanna & Co. investigate the murder of a true Gibellinese who deeply loved his land. In this episode Saverio’s jealousy towards Suleima becomes obsession.

Màkari: plot of the second episode

In the new episode Xavier Lamanna (Claudio Gioè), along with his right arm Little one (Domenico Centamore), is invited to the Gibellina museum for a conference. Four people from Gibellina are participating who were children at the time of the 1968 earthquake and who were forced to emigrate due to the tragic event. The meeting, organized by Leone Curatolo, tries to reconstruct those ties that were dramatically torn by the earthquake.

Something goes wrong: one happens during the conference verbal clash between Leoa local marble worker, and the art professor Cardenio, who has never considered his fellow citizen an artist. A few days later, the craftsman’s body is found lifeless and with a shattered skull.

Lamanna and Piccionello return to Gibellina to understand how things went. The first suspect is a certain Biagio Gigliotta, a man who lives in Belgium with his family and who for the anniversary he had returned to Gibellina to bury his father’s ashes. On the same day of the murder he was found distraught in the Cretto di Burri with a work of art by Boetti stolen from the Gibellina museum (where the conference was held).

Biagio is arrestedbut Lamanna discovers that a hole has been dug in the grounds of Leone’s villa where it was hidden a metal box. What did it contain? And above all, who took it? The suspects are Agnese, Leone’s wife, and her lover, a certain Lindoln, a neo-melodic singer who made his fortune in America after emigrating from Sicily. The case gets complicated. Perhaps the murder has to do with the past and with that terrible day in 1968.

Saverio Lamanna’s jealousy towards Suleima becomes obsessive

While Saverio investigates the new case, the relationship with Suleima (Ester Pantano) is crumbling. Since Giulio (Eugenio Franceschini) came into their lives, something cracked. The crime writer suspects that his partner is cheating on him with L‘former: he is never at home, always arrives late in the evening, works 24 hours a day in the new studio opened with Giulio. What’s going on?

Claudio Gioè. (Photo Valentina Glorioso)

At the suggestion of Professor Michela (Serena Iansiti), to understand if his partner is cheating on him, Saverio does the so-called Horn test, an online test to interpret your partner’s behaviors. Will Lamanna finally get a clear answer about Suleima’s feelings towards her? Piccionello is sceptical. Saverio is very jealous and one evening decides to follow his girlfriend and Giulio. She will discover something she never imagined. Suleima hid a secret from him which he instead shared with his ex.

Piccionello is in love with Azhra

Lamanna asks the web for suggestions to resolve her sentimental problems with Suleima, Piccionello instead asks his friend for advice on inviting Azhra to dinner. Peppe’s heart beats for the new Tunisian cook of the restaurant Marilu (Antonella Attili). But she doesn’t seem interested, or maybe she has something else to think about. In fact, Azhra hides a secret that viewers will discover this episode, and that it will involve Lamanna and Suleima.

