Majority of North Hollanders want to slow down Schiphol’s growth

A majority of North Hollanders believe that Schiphol Airport should not be given room to grow further. This is evident from interim results of the voting aid Kieskompas of NH in collaboration with the other regional broadcasters and the NOS. There is also great resistance in the surrounding municipalities.

There have been plans for some time to reduce the number of flights from 500,000. The outgoing cabinet came to a conclusion maximum of 452,000 and some additional measures to tackle the nuisance. For Schiphol itself, growth is no longer sacred, director Ruud Sondag said last spring.

Cleaner and quieter

“We are in favor of a new system with clear noise and environmental limits, whereby aviation must become proven cleaner and quieter,” a Schiphol spokesperson told NH earlier this year. This offers prospects for local residents and the aviation sector. We will also continue to implement our 8-point plan.”

Local residents have been speaking out against the (growing) nuisance caused by the airport for some time. Research by the Kieskompas now shows that the majority (59 percent) of North Hollanders also believe that Schiphol should not grow further. 22 percent of provincial residents do not consider Schiphol’s growth to be a problem. The rest are neutral or have no opinion.

More resistance against Schiphol in other provinces

It is striking that North Hollanders are much milder about Schiphol compared to other provinces. In fact, of all provinces, there is almost the most support for airport growth here.

Looking at the region around Schiphol, we see a double message. More than 60 percent want Schiphol not to expand further. On the other hand, there is also 2 percent more support for growth in this area (24 percent) than the average in North Holland.

See below how much support there is per municipality around Schiphol and also in the whole of North Holland. Text continues below.

And if we zoom in even further on municipalities around Schiphol, it is noticeable that in Uithoorn there is the most resistance (66 percent) to growth of the airport. On the other side is Haarlemmermeer, the municipality where Schiphol is also located. There, 53 percent are against growth, but on the other hand 28 percent are in favor of growth.

Use the Electoral Compass below: voting aid for the upcoming House of Representatives elections.

Justification methodological explanation of data Kieskompas tools
These results are based on research by the Kieskompas research institute. The data collection took place via electoral compasses for the House of Representatives elections (October 30 to November 7). 33,026 North Hollanders participated. The results are weighted by province, gender, age, education level and voting behavior in the House of Representatives elections in March 2021, so that the results on these characteristics are representative.
