Majority of Noord-Holland believes that BBB should co-govern in all provinces

A majority of North Hollanders believe that BBB, as the largest party in all provinces, should be involved in governing everywhere. This is evident from research by Kieskompas commissioned by the regional broadcasters. At least it seems to be happening in our province. “The finish line is in sight,” said BBB party chairman Ingrid de Sain.

55 percent of the people of North Holland indicate that the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) ​​should co-govern in all provinces, because the party also won the provincial elections in all twelve. For 27% this is not a matter of course, 18% are neutral.

“I think it is a clear signal and I can agree with that. We are a democratic country, and you assume that the opinion of the country is taken into account. If you are sidelined as the largest party, that is strange.” says BBB forewoman and dairy farmer in Schellinkhout, Ingrid de Sain.

However, it is not self-evident that the party will also end up in a coalition. In Utrecht they were quickly sidelined. And in North Brabant and Friesland, the coalition collapsed while an agreement was already in place. In Friesland was the festive photo with champagne already taken when the PvdA withdrew, in North Brabant BBB saw it off himself at the last minute.

No protest vote, but little confidence in government

The Kieskompas survey also shows that the many votes for BBB in Noord-Holland should not be seen as a protest vote against the cabinet. For 36% this was a reason, but most voters mainly looked at what they consider to be important national themes. According to de Sain, it indicates that it is important to take the result seriously.

“Of course we are a new party and people find that exciting. In the past there have also been new parties where things did not turn out well. So I understand that it is exciting, but we are very well prepared.”

She points out that BBB also wants to contribute to improving confidence in politics. Because although the largest group (37%) in the province still has confidence, there is also a part (21%) that does not.

‘Endline of negotiations is in sight’

Not to mention the national government. More than half 53% of the North Hollanders indicate that they have virtually no confidence in this. “When you see how low confidence is, you have to do something with it,” says De Sain.

Something that her party in the province would like to contribute to. As part of a coalition. There are currently advanced talks between BBB, VVD, GroenLinks and the PvdA. “It is in good shape. Although I am careful in this sensitive process. First a scribble under an agreement, but we have good hopes.”

For this study, the Kieskompas research institute surveyed 6,026 Noord-Hollanders between April 4 and May 24, 2023. To make the results representative of Dutch voters (18+), Kieskompas carries out a weighting. The research results are weighted by province, age, gender, education, migration background and voting behavior in the parliamentary elections. More information can be found here.
