Majority of Germans count on gas shortage in winter

A majority of Germans think there will be a gas shortage this or next winter. Just under a third of Germans think their country will make it through both winters without any problems.

This is reported by the German news agency dpa, which had a poll carried out

Almost a third (29 percent) of those surveyed think that there will be too little gas this winter. A little more than a quarter thinks that this will not happen until the winter of 2023 or 2024.

Incidentally, German gas supplies are running up again now that the weather has become milder. At the beginning of December, they were 98 percent full, but a lot of gas passed through during the cold spell in the middle of the month. On Saturday, the storages were again almost 88 percent full.

Rise inflation

Half of the more than 2,000 Germans surveyed expect inflation to continue rising in 2023. A quarter think it will remain as high as November’s 10 percent (in Germany). Economists think that currency depreciation will be less strong, but only 13 percent of Germans are convinced.

Save energy

Whether, for example, sporting events should continue as usual leads to more division. In Germany, 43 percent think that football matches in the Bundesliga, but also matches in the professional leagues for ice hockey, basketball, handball and various winter sports should continue.

On the other hand, 40 percent think that it would be better to move those events to save energy. The rest had no opinion.
