Major Yelena Isinbayeva of the Russian army was banned from entering Ukraine for 50 years – Now came another decision

Jelena Isinbayeva is allowed to continue in the International Olympic Committee.

Jelena Isinbayeva is allowed to continue in the IOC. EPA / AOP

Russian former track and field star Yelena Isinbayeva has been under investigation by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) since March for her possible connections to the Russian military.

Isinbayeva, who is a member of the IOC Athletes’ Committee, was investigated by the IOC’s Ethics Council. Now the ethical council has completed its investigation and stated that he can continue in the sportsmen’s council.

of the Swedish SVT according to the IOC Ethics Council does not mention 41-year-old Isinbayeva by name.

– The Ethics Council has completed its work with satisfactory results, said the IOC spokesperson Mark Adamsbut did not specify what kind of relationship Isinbayeva has with the Russian military.

Isinbayeva was in the Russian army for years and signed, among other things, a five-year extension with the army in 2015. He started at KOK a year later.

Founder of the charity The European Resilience Initiative Center and an expert on Eastern Europe Sergej Sumlenny According to reports, Isinbayeva is a Russian army major and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu’s favorite.

Isinbayeva was also part of the leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin constitutional amendment committee, who rewrote the country’s constitution so that Putin could stay in power longer. Isinbayeva was given a significant role in the change committee, The Times told in 2020.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi has imposed sanctions on Isinbayeva, which prohibit the former pole vaulter from entering Ukraine for the next 50 years. Isinbayeva’s assets in Ukraine were also frozen.

– It is quite clear that sports and terrorism do not go together, Ukrainian Finance Minister Yulija Svyrydenko has stated according to SVT.

Isinbayeva won Olympic gold twice in her sports career. He ended his career in August 2016.

The IOC Athletes’ Committee is chaired Emma Terho.

Yelena Isinbayeva is a staunch supporter of Vladimir Putin. EPA / AOP
