Major solidarity action for Ukraine by blacksmiths in Lendelede

Major solidarity action for Ukraine by blacksmiths in Lendelede

The smiths made objects and works of art on their anvils all day long, such as candle holders. Then they sold their creations. The proceeds of the action will go to the war victims in Ukraine.

​“The proceeds will go to the Ukrainian blacksmith couple Olga and Sergey Polubotko, who come from Ivano Frankisvk. We got to know them in 2005 in Austria at a blacksmithing event. In the years that followed, they invited us to come and forge in Ukraine, a journey we made seven times. In the meantime we are good friends. The news of the war in their homeland touches us deeply,” said organizer Luc Vandecasteele. Sergey had to stay in Kiev to fight, but Olga fled to the Lviv region. Both are doing well.

There is currently a major shortage of medicines. The proceeds of this action should make it possible to purchase most of the necessary medicines.
