Major maintenance pool De Slagen starts next month

The municipality of Emmen will start the renovation of the indoor swimming pool De Slagen in Schoonebeek in May. The dated swimming complex is in need of a makeover. The municipality is allocating 1.7 million euros for this. The work is expected to be completed in November.

Major maintenance has been planned for the pool for some time. Due to circumstances, the renovation was delayed. An earlier tender turned out to be more work than originally thought.

It is high time that something happened, said alderman Jisse Otter. “The bath is poorly insulated and has a high energy consumption. Moreover, various installations are finished.” The work includes installing a new air handling unit, insulating the entire hull, cleaning and renewing facades and installing LED lighting and solar panels.

The job will cost a total of 1.7 million euros, although Otter is already preparing for a possible minor setback. “Construction costs have been skyrocketing lately. We think we’re staying in line financially, but we’re considering the possibility that it could be more.”

The work will be carried out during the annual summer break. The pool does not have to be closed extra. The complex can be used for years to come.

At the same time, the municipality is also looking at the Neptunusbad in Klazienaveen with a slanted eye. An investigation into necessary maintenance is currently underway. Otter expects the results later this year.
