Major concerns at Brabant companies due to lock on electricity network

Companies in the province are very concerned now that TenneT has announced a temporary shutdown on the electricity network. Nearly 70 percent of the entrepreneurs even expect to be faced with a bottleneck by the decision within a year.

This is apparent from research by business organizations VNO-NCW Brabant Zeeland and LWV in Limburg. Another 25 percent say they expect painful consequences of the network lock within three years. This would impede the growth of many companies, but it also creates problems for the planned energy transition.

Special coordinator
The business organizations are therefore pleased that a special coordinator has been appointed on behalf of Minister Jetten and the provinces of North Brabant and Limburg. It must look into solutions to the problems surrounding the overcrowded electricity grid.

However, the business associations hope that the coordinator will also look at broadening the existing laws. For example, entrepreneurs who want to supply energy from solar panels to their own company or to neighbors, but are not allowed to do so now. That should and can be done differently.”

ALSO READ: All hands on deck to make room on the Brabant power grid
