Maija Vilkkumaa beamed at Linna’s party with her fiance – In reality, the couple was on the verge of breaking up

The relationship between Maija Vilkumaa and journalist Sami Aaltonen ended stormily. Now Vilkkumaa opens up his thoughts in his biography.

Singer Maija Vilkkumaa openly talks about her relationship with a journalist Sami Aaltoen in his new biography Blinking country (Gummerus, 2023). Their paths once crossed at Kallio high school.

Vilkkumaa describes Aalto as the “real star” of the high school, who was very popular among the students. The man had hosted many youth programs on television and had his own band.

Maija Vilkkumaa became public in the late 90s. Anna Jousilahti

After high school, the couple got engaged at the award gala of Nuoriso’s art event. Vilkumaa recalls how his parents were uncertain about the young people’s decision.

– My parents congratulated but seemed a little nervous about the engagement. I was only 19 years old. Was it good to make such big commitments, I noticed they were thinking, Vilkkumaa recalls in the book.

Behind the smile

The biography sheds light on how Vilkkumaa fell in love with the guitarist of his band, Mikko Kososeen. At the same time, the relationship with Aaltonen had cooled. Once at the record company’s party, the inevitable finally happened – Vilkkumaa and Kosonen kissed each other.

– I woke up with terrible guilt. It wasn’t a dream, it was real. What exactly had I done! I was a terrible person. I complained to my spouse about some text and then I did this myself. We had a serious discussion with Miko: we agreed that this should definitely not happen again. We were both reserved, and we had no desire to mess up our lives or the dynamics of the band, the singer admits in the book.

Maija Vilkkumaa fell in love with her band’s guitarist, Mikko Kosose. Today they have two daughters together. Pasi Liesimaa/IL

Vilkkumaa tells how Aaltonen didn’t want to divorce, even though he knew he was engaged to love Kosose.

– He was of the opinion that I am fooling around, because I am madly in love with my young guitarist, fame has gotten to my head and made me a bad person, Vilkkumaa says in the book.

The couple appeared beaming together at Linna’s party in 2003. The singer dressed as Vilkkumaa Terhi Kokkonen to design a black party dress. Aaltonen, in turn, was wearing a black tailcoat. Despite the smile, Vilkkumaa was not feeling well.

– I looked at Sam next to me and felt deep sadness and sadness. He was there, he had been the most important person in my life, and this is where we had ended up together – and I knew we couldn’t be a couple anymore. I was different now than when I was a teenager. He was the second. Mikko was not the reason for the breakup, although it was the initial impetus, Vilkkumaa admits in the book.

Maija Vilkkumaa and Sami Aaltonen represented together at the Linna party in the Presidential Palace in December 2003. IL archive

Aaltonen’s and Vilkkumaa’s cohabitation came to an end in the spring of 2004. Aaltonen publicly accused Vilkkumaa of “having a crush on his band’s playing boy”. The public breakup was a tough one for the singer.

– With Sam, on the other hand, the relationship was completely broken. It still feels like a big failure and sadness, Vilkkumaa writes.

Vilkkumaa (Gummerus, 2023) will be released on October 28. The book is written by Maija Vilkkumaa and Miina Supinen.
