Magnette: “Engie must stop playing the government’s feet” | Economy

As is known, the government agreed in March to keep the two youngest nuclear power plants in our country open for ten years longer. Normally all seven nuclear power plants would close in 2025, but the increased prices and the war in Ukraine decided otherwise. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten (Green) are now negotiating in tandem with Engie. The operator has already said more than once that 2025 is unfeasible to start the life extension.

“When I was Minister of Energy, I had a very simple plan. It could never be implemented because Alexander De Croo then pulled the plug from the government (Leterme II; ed.), but it is still there,” said Magnette. “You oblige Engie to produce a certain amount of electricity from nuclear energy at a fixed price. The government buys that electricity at a price that the regulator sets and then sells it on to households and companies at a price that is lower than the current price.”
