Magnet fisherman with gold catch: 2500 dollars back to rightful owner | Abroad

Together with his father, George Tindale (15) regularly fishes in nearby rivers with a magnet on a string. And then it hit. He found a safe containing 2,500 Australian dollars.

What they did not know was that the safe had been stolen in 2000 in a burglary at the office of businessman Rob Everett. They were able to trace him thanks to a certificate for his shotgun and his bank cards.

This weekend, father and son visited the businessman to return his stolen belongings. It was a wonderful experience for 15-year-old Tindale: ,,I mean it was great”, he told the Mirror. “We’re going to take out this safe with all that money in it. We were shocked when it turned out to be 2.5 thousand dollars. And Rob was great. He said that if I ever sought work experience after I finished school, the door was open for me.”
