Magnesium: how to take it with the diet – iO Donna

Tamong the essential minerals for health and well-being of the bodyby now it is known, there is certainly the magnesium. Present in significant quantities in our body, this mineral is in fact involved in numerous processesi: regulates blood pressure, helps fix calcium and phosphorus in bones and teeth but is also a precious ally to reduce tiredness and promote muscle relaxation.

To all this are added the beneficial effects on cognitive functionsso much so that a magnesium-rich diet might even help keep the brain young.

The new studio

It was in fact a team of researchers from Neuroimaging and Brain Lab of the Australian National Universityto demonstrate how to bring to the table foods rich in magnesium can help reduce the risk of dementia. The study, published by theEuropean Journal of Nutritionhe considered over six thousand cognitively healthy participants aged between 40 and 73 who were subjected to questionnaires on dietary habits.

Well, the results showed than those who consume more than 550 milligrams of magnesium every day (to be precise, 41% more than the recommended dose) shows, through a MRI of the brain, better brain function.

Magnesium, why is it so important

“This ore it intervenes in many functions of the organism – explains the doctor Maria Bravo, nutritionist biologist of Humanitas San PioX. – Plays an important role in the cognitive functions since he participates in the production of some neurotransmitters, among which serotonin, melatonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and GABAcontributing to the maintenance of normal cognitive functions but also to regulation of sleep patterns and mood».

Magnesium deficiency: symptoms

From these premises it is easy to understand how a shortage of this mineral may result annoying symptoms.

«Headache and migraine are the most frequent symptoms of a deficiency – explains the nutritionist – but also fatigue, muscle cramps, tremors. In these cases it is good to undergo a blood test to check your magnesium levels and see your doctor who can evaluate a correct one integration».

Supplements: how to choose them

They exist commercially different magnesium supplements: precisely for this reason it is important to choose, with the opinion of the doctor, the one most suitable for one’s needs.

“The magnesium carbonatefor example, is a supplement medium absorption in terms of speed – explains Dr. Bravo – and can be indicated for stimulate intestinal function. Indeed, in the form of carbonate, this mineral has an effect antacidindicated for the stomach achebut also laxative. In this case, you can dissolve it in warm water and drink it».

Different speech for the magnesium pidolate.

“In this case it is about a rapidly absorbed supplement – specifies the nutritionist again. – This is more recommended for athletes or in case of migraine and menstrual pain. Magnesium pidolate is in fact the result of a combination of magnesium with pidolic acid. This form is retained more easily absorbed by the body compared to other forms of magnesium and is also recommended for regulate moodin case of anxiety or insomnia. Even those who hire draining and diuretics, that make you lose a lot of mineral salts, you may need to a magnesium supplement of this type”.

Vitamins and minerals after 50: the foods that contain the most

A precious ally for women

Not to mention that this mineral can prove to be a valuable ally for women’s health, both during the fertile period and in menopause.

«Taking a magnesium-based supplement can help in case of premenstrual syndrome and painful menstruation – explains Dr. Bravo – since it goes ad relieve cramps and abdominal pains acting like muscle relaxant».

In menopause then the benefits are many.

«As we said, magnesium is essential for the bone metabolism – explains the expert – even more in menopause when the drop in estrogen leads to increased bone fragility. But not only that, it can also be an excellent ally for the classic symptoms that can accompany menopause, such as migraines, insomnia, mood swings and intestinal problems. In fact, magnesium naturally regulates the functionality of the intestine but, as we have seen, there are supplements that can also stimulate it».

The role of nutrition

If supplements therefore often represent an excellent solution, it is good to remember that it is mostly through nutrition correct that you can stock up on magnesium.

«The recommended daily dose is approx 240 milligrams – explains the nutritionist. – It is possible to ensure the right intake through nutrition since magnesium is present, for example, in whole grains, some green leafy vegetables, legumes, bitter cocoa and dried fruit». (In the gallery above, all the foods richest in magnesium).

Water is also a source of magnesium

Without forgetting the role that one can play proper hydration.

“Water is also a source of magnesium. On the contrary, the absorption of magnesium from water is faster compared to that coming from solid foods – explains the expert. – For this reason, mineral waters with a high magnesium content can contribute to cover the needs of this mineral. In general, we can say that, especially in times of stress or tirednessit is advisable to pay particular attention to nutrition, favoring the consumption of foods containing magnesium and perhaps combining them between them”.

Are there any pairings that should be avoided?

«Not really – concludes Dr. Bravo. – They are not here foods that interfere with the absorption of magnesium. There are quite some recommended pairings to increase income. An example? As a snack, you can bet on a little dehydrated apricots to accompany a handful of almonds. In fact, in both cases they are foods rich in magnesium.

