Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú, CONADEP and the Trial of the Juntas

On September 20, 1984, the National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons (CONADEP), delivered to the president Raul Alfonsin the result of your investigation. A voluminous report that was presented with a speech by Ernesto Sabatoand that recorded in its multiple folders, the existence of 8,961 disappeared and 380 clandestine centers detention.

“The great calamities are always instructive, and without a doubt the most terrible drama that the Nation suffered in its entire history during the period that the military dictatorship that began in March 1976 lasted will serve to make us understand that only democracy is capable of preserving a people of such horror, ”said the author of The Tunnel, president of the commission, when delivering the final report “Never more”.

The payroll of the CONADEP was made up of the journalist Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú and René Favaloro, the former rector of UBA Ricardo Colombres, the engineer Hilario Fernandez Long, and the philosopher Gregorio Klimovsky, among others. But shortly after, the cardiovascular surgeon Favaloro resigned from the commission due to the refusal to receive complaints from the triple a crimescommitted during the government of Juan Domingo Peron and Maria Estela Martinez de Peron.

The CONADEP it had been created a year earlier, on December 15, 1983, five days after the inauguration of Alfonsín and the return of democracy to Argentina: with decree 187/83, the Executive Power founded the creation of the commission that recapitulated the crimes of the military dictatorship and the systematic disappearance of people.

Article 2 of the decree enumerated the functions of the CONADEP: receive complaints and evidence about those facts and refer them to justice if they are related to the alleged commission of a crime; find out the fate of missing persons; determine the location of children abducted from the guardianship of their parents or guardians as a result of actions undertaken with the alleged motive of repressing state terrorism; denounce to justice any attempt to hide, steal or destroy elements related to the facts that are intended to be clarified; issue a final report with a detailed explanation of the facts investigated, 180 days after its constitution.

Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú, CONADEP and the Trial of the Juntas

For nine months, the CONADEP received testimonies from relatives of the disappeared, survivors and other witnesses. He analyzed documentation and made inspection visits to the clandestine detention centers where the reported disappeared were held captive. And it was dissolved on September 20, 1984 after presenting its final report that became the book “Never more”.

The detailed description allowed prove the existence of a systematic plan perpetrated by the State for the kidnapping, torture, murder and disappearance of people, and was key to the Trial of the Boards of 1985in which the prosecutor Julio Strassera and Luis Moreno Ocampo they accused the military leaders.

The sentence came a year later, on December 9, 1985, and five of the accused soldiers were sentenced: Jorge Rafael Videla, Emilio Eduardo Massera, Roberto Eduardo Viola, Armando Lambruschini and Orlando Agosti.

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