Magazine Market: Beyond the Niche

If something has been revolutionized in recent years, it has been the media industry. With a triple challenge, technological innovation affected not only the production process, but also the characteristics of consumption itself and the possibilities of exploring new business veins that opened up with the expansion of market borders.

The News Media Alliance (until 2016 the Newspaper Association of America) represent 2,000 daily newspapers in the United States and Canada, also including newspapers, small niche publications, digital and multiplatform media. According to the Magazine Media Factbook published by the News/Media Alliance, magazines are a trusted source for readers and make them feel heard and understood.

expert look. These concepts were the ones that were recently discussed in a congress organized by Two Sides, Aner, ANJ, ESPM and PropMark and sponsored by Plural Indústria Gráfica and Suzano Papel e Celulose (Brazil), which brought together speakers from Europe and Latin America to ask themselves about why print media continue to be key in the advertising mix.

Intervening among others were James Hewes (with a presentation on “Print Media Effectiveness”), President of FIPP, the largest international association of magazine publishers, media entrepreneurs and creative professionals. So did the essayist and publicist Jane de Freitas Mündel (she presented “Success story with direct mail”), who is co-author of the book “Laboratório do Sensível”, from the ESPM Communication, Consumption and Art Research Group. For his part, José Carlos da Fonseca (lectured on ESG and Print Media, Synergies”) is vice president of the Advisory Committee for the Sustainable Forestry Industry (FAO) and co-facilitator of the Coalizão Brasil Clima, Foresta e Agricultura. Finally, Gustavo Bruno president of the Argentine Association of Magazine Editors (AAER) and director of Circulation and Sales of Editorial Perfil.

Among the conclusions that emerged from the meeting, the consensus around the fact that magazines provide an ideal environment for advertising that inspires action stood out.

These are four of the pieces of information that explain why a special preference for magazines is still in force:

one- Magazine advertising is effective. Over 90% of women ages 18-34 took action after seeing an ad in both the print magazine and on their website. Additionally, 57% of adults ages 18-49 say magazine ads fit well with the content.

2- Magazines focus and retain attention. 88% of adults have read a magazine in the last 6 months. It should also be noted that 33% of readers are loyal to their magazines and 42% recycle or reread them. Furthermore, 30% of readers never throw away their magazines.

3- At a rate of 3 in 4 readers see an ad in a magazine and take action. In addition, 23% of readers have decided to seek more information about a brand or product after seeing an ad in magazines and 20% have visited their social networks or their website.

4- The effectiveness of advertising is multiplied by combining the web and print. The relationship between a magazine’s website and its print version increases the effectiveness of magazines among women of all ages.

technological change. How many times have we been really annoyed by an ad that appears in the middle of an online video or while one is simply listening to their favorite playlist? Studies show that ads viewed in non-disruptive environments, such as below the article or in a newsfeed, generate 25% more attention than ads placed in a disrupted environment.

For Gustavo Bruno, it is essential that brands know where and when to place the ad so that consumers are in the best state of mind to interact with the ad, which is why print magazines are the main incentive for this to happen. The magazines are alive and the paper helps to make it the greatest over time, today people seek reliability in the information in that the magazines with the support of the brand make the information/theme that is developed the most reliable for those who read it”, explains the Argentine executive.

In conclusion, a very rich list of the particularities of a market that resists being labeled as a niche. A platform for interaction with the audience and the rest of the media galaxy that today make up the current information and entertainment menu.

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