MAFS blog: “John, what did you do on that plane?”

With the statement “Would you like to see my Disney room?” I don’t think many people have scored points on a date, but Sonny asked and it turned out well. Dylan is not easily fooled, he even manages to find a nice jacket for himself in the closet with musical clothing. happy dance! A match made at Disneyland, those two. After nine days they already love each other. But that may also have a little bit to do with the number of bottles of prosecco that go through it.

In-depth conversations with Jan

Jan could also use a glass of wine. Or ten. Maybe he’ll loosen up a bit. I had a moment of hope when, surprisingly enough, it turned out that Birgitte, like Jan, is a big fan of Dutch-language music. It suddenly became very cozy in the car and gifts were even bought (how sweet!), but unfortunately all this was short-lived. It can be very cozy with each other, but if you don’t show a millimeter of yourself it will become uncomfortable at some point. And that was it on the terrace.

That unfortunately remained the case, because Birgitte did not want to be around him any longer and left him alone to wait for his suitcases. Jan, what did you do on that plane? Or is this another clever trick of the production to make the viewer think that? Birgitte is not throwing in the towel yet and wants to move in together, but I think she also knows that this isn’t going to work out. She’s looking for someone to have deep conversations with and that’s just not going to happen with Jan. “If she asks, she gets an answer,” he told his friends. Well Jan, when she asks she gets exactly nothing.

Kim and Antoine

It doesn’t surprise any viewer that this experiment is a bit too much of a good thing for Kim. When it became clear what she had been through so recently, you could already imagine that this was going to happen. She is having a hard time losing her boyfriend and thinks it’s all too much. That is of course very logical. But what I immediately wonder: did the experts see this coming? They should have immediately thought that it might be a bit quick to start looking for love less than a year after such a great loss, in such a setting? With a lot of tension, cameras and views of the viewers. That seems far from sensible to me. And I’m just a spy, not an expert. They should have protected her from this. And Antoine too, because he sees his chance at love now going up in smoke. According to Kim, there is not yet the end behind their relationship, but I think it would be wise if she now chooses for herself. I hope the experts give the right advice this time.

The best joke of this season ‘MAFS’

Maurice and Dennis are now officially a couple in the experiment. A couple with a bright future ahead of them, according to the experts. The debacle with Arjan is far behind Maurice, who is now happily sitting on the couch with his parents with his new flame. That flame who, in turn, made the best, or at least the most daring, joke of the season. “He looks a lot like my brother”, he said with a laugh to his in-laws. A small sneer at Arjan. Must be possible. I liked it!

Meanwhile, Joep and Caroline and Sander and Astrid get a breather. We won’t see them again until the couples weekend. One can only hope that they have a long breath, a very long breath. Because the first images of the couples weekend do not promise much good for Joep and Caroline.

April 27, 2022
