MAFS blog: “Hello experts, what’s the match here?”

I’ve had to take back my words a few times, but I dare to say it again: Sonny and Dylan, that must turn out well, right? The two seem to come straight out of a Disney movie. Missed opportunity that their honeymoon goes to Venice and not Disneyland. Yes, it is fairytale-like, but if you listen to what Sonny says for even a minute, you know that Disneyland is his favorite place in the whole world. There would be a 100% chance that love had blossomed. Okay okay, Venice will probably be fine too. It is also very Disney-worthy there, according to Sonny. And then it’s good.

Love also seems to blossom between Kim and Antoine. Of course it’s too early in the experiment to draw any conclusions, but how the two look at each other and how they interact with each other is a good start. That much-discussed wedding night turned out not to be as exciting as they had previously discussed. Or they have agreed not to say anything about it on camera at all. I hope so, that also seems like a very good start.

Maurice and Davide

Maurice’s experiment keeps taking unexpected turns. His second date, Davide, turns out to be an old acquaintance. How is it possible? Imagine if these two had met at the altar. Then it wasn’t over first sight been. Three years ago, the two already had a date with each other, but then Maurice was not pleased that Davide wanted to eat both ways. Now Davide takes a completely different approach. And good, because both he and Maurice indicate that they would like to tie the knot if they were asked that question now. The cruise turned out to be a golden move. “That suits me completely,” said Maurice. I don’t know what it says about someone when a cruise is a good fit for you, but that aside. The third date (certainly after Davide’s emotional performance) must be very good to get over this.

Birgitte and Jan

Birgitte and Jan, the first couple of which I immediately think: no, this is not going to happen. And I have a lot of faith, folks, so that says something. Birgitte seems easily satisfied, because the general text that Jan had written in his card turned out to almost correspond with the general text that she had written in her card. Well! No, that’s rude. I wish these people all the luck in the world. But: hello experts, what’s the match here? How can they combine their so different lives? Maybe I’m overlooking something?

About Sander and Astrid: do those two actually live together or do they only visit each other? Sander comes over for a night out, Astrid checks out his house and they go to Leeuwarden together, but you don’t really see them spending time in each other’s house. Do they deviate from the normal route of the experiment? And why don’t they live together? Because he has to feed his cat and she has to walk her dog? Because his house is too small and he doesn’t want to move in with her? You want to know anyway…

Sinking MAFS Ship

It’s still fun at Rowan and Astleigh. That’s nice, of course, but they didn’t go into depth this week either. Watching Formula 1 together on the couch with her parents is of course fun, but whether this is more than a friendship… Joep also admitted that the spark between him and Caroline has yet to fly. “Trusted and safe,” he now called their relationship. That is not enough. I think these four candidates are somewhat in the same boat. And I’m afraid that boat will sink anyway.

March 23, 2022
