Mafia: companies confiscated on free loan for working members

A group of companies confiscated from the mafia and given on free loan to working members. The project is at an advanced stage being examined by the Anbsc (national agency for seized and confiscated goods) of the Ministry of the Interior. Absolute novelty in application of the new anti-mafia code. Massive operation: between 2016 and 2020 the companies in question, already under seizure, had a turnover of approximately 210 million.

The challenge, initiated by the prefect Bruno Frattasi at the helm of the Anbsc – today head of cabinet of the minister Luciana Lamorgese – and then by his successor Bruno Corda, concerns a labyrinth of 102 companies in the most various industrial sectors with offices in Rome, Naples, Milan, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Costa Rica, British Virgin Islands, Panama. Estimated value at the time of the seizure 390 million euros, about 2 thousand employees.

The accusations

With heavy accusations dating back to 2014 when the preventive measures section of the court of Rome ordered the seizure of the assets of the Roman entrepreneur Giovanni De Pierro: embezzlement, fraud against public bodies, fraudulent bankruptcy, money laundering. In the overwhelming majority of this type of business after the judicial action ends up in ruins. This time it wasn’t like that. The tandem of judicial administrators – Giovanni Mottura, at the top of Atac, and Stefano Viscogliosi, plus the manager Marcello Laccisaglia – have redesigned companies today are state control with network contracts and safeguarded the positions of managers and officials not polluted by the mafia .

Occupation safeguarded

The occupation was thus saved. Between 2016 and 2020, 50 million of INPS taxes and contributions were paid. In the cleaning sector, the group has won contracts with Eni, Fao, Istat, Miur, San Camillo hospital in Rome, Ospedali Riuniti in Foggia and Ancona, Poste Italiane.

But the entrepreneurial vitality despite the confiscation condition then made a qualitative leap. The group has started the procedures for joining without charges in Italia Virtute (Valuable Identity and Reputation Technologically Unique Trusted Engine), a digitized, documented and traceable reputational rating system of stakeholders, managed by the non-profit association Crop News and already tested successfully in the context of confiscated companies administered by Anbsc to prevent criminal infiltration.


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