‘Maestro’ candidates ready for concert with concert orchestra De Herleving in Zwaag

In the cultural center De Plataan in Zwaag, the three winners of a ‘Maestro’ lot have been busy rehearsing with the wind orchestra De Herleving in recent weeks. Tuesday evening was the last evening when Arjen, Carla and Kiona could practice. “It’s still quite exciting,” says Annie Balk of the orchestra. “But we’re all really looking forward to it.”

Wind orchestra De Herleving from Zwaag made three lots available for the village auction at the end of last month. During the evening there were high bids to lead the orchestra, and Arjen Huizinga, Carla Bot and Kiona Leeuw had the highest bid. With the prize they received their own baton and two pieces of music that they studied with De Herleving.

In recent weeks, the candidates have been working individually, but also with conductor Rolf Hoogenberg and with the orchestra. “That was quite exciting for all candidates,” Balk explains. “Because they have quite a lot to deal with, and they get a lot of impressions. But they do enjoy it and think it is a great experience. It has become a nice mix of candidates.”


Arjen, who has an intellectual disability and has been a fan of De Herleving for years, experienced quite a lot of stress when rehearsing the pieces. “His sister told us that if they had known this in advance, they probably wouldn’t have given him up. But he really enjoyed it, and so did we as an orchestra.”

Not only did it take some getting used to for the ‘Maestro’ candidates, the orchestra also had to learn to deal with a new conductor. “We even got hit on the head once by our conductor Rolf,” laughs Annie Balk. “Because as an orchestra we were not supposed to lead the conductor, but let ourselves be led by the conductor. So we just have to follow all incorrect instructions, not solve them by still playing the right note or something on time.”

No clear favorite yet

All three candidates met with the concert band for the last time last night for the final rehearsal. There, Arjen, Carla and Kiona went through all the details with conductor Rolf Hoogenberg, and played their music pieces again with the orchestra.

The big question remains who will be able to declare themselves the winner of ‘Maestro’ next Saturday evening. A favorite has not emerged in recent weeks. “It completely depends on the participants how they do,” says Balk. “That also makes it fun for the audience and the jury. In any case, we are incredibly looking forward to it.”

Tickets are still available for the concert of the orchestra De Herleving and the ‘Maestro’ competition. These are available on the evening itself, Saturday November 25, at the door of party center De Witte Valk in Zwaag. The evening starts at 8 p.m
