Madrid reinforces its security in anticipation of another night of ultra violence

The National Police is strengthening the security of the city of Madrid in anticipation of a new night of altercations in the center, police sources confirm to this newspaper. The Government Delegation, dependent on the Interior, will continue with a reinforced deployment of members of the Police Intervention Units (UIP) in a number that remains secret for the moment, but that will receive incorporations from outside the autonomous community.

This Wednesday there are fewer calls on social networks to concentrate on Ferraz, so police sources estimate a possible lower attendance of people. This Thursday will be a holiday, and that detail is also considered an influential factor in the forecast. Although the violence this Tuesday night can demobilize part of those habitual in the concentrations against the amnesty and the PSOE on Ferraz Street, Police analysts predict large groups again in the vicinity of the socialist federal headquarters, and riots in surrounding streets, in addition to other possible marches.

Buses close to Vox have convened in the vicinity of the Faculty of Statistics of the Complutense University, which is close to the Moncloa complex. It is a place of frequent meetings between far-right young people.

There has barely been time for a hangover after the public disorders on Tuesday night on Ferraz Street and others in the center of Madrid. On this Wednesday morning, intense organizational work filled the agenda of the Madrid police chiefs, analyzing the data provided by the Provincial Information Brigade, which investigates the violent vanguard that has taken over the protest.

The presence of neo-Nazis from Bastión Frontal has been detected, and from the two phalanges, National Democracy, Making a Nation, Spain 2000, Ultrasur and Frente Atlético.


Riot units will reassemble rhombus fence trusses to cordon off Ferraz Street. Although they are practically impassable for people on foot, on Tuesday night they ended giving in to crowd pressure of the extreme right that gathered in the first lines of the siege of the PSOE headquarters.

Once again it is expected use of tear gas if necessary, even though the massive propaganda after the mobilizations uses that detail on social networks to accuse the security forces of disproportionate actions. The UIP riot police will have in their equipment the usual DTF and DTL. This is what they call the devices in police jargon, respectively, smoke and tear gas. The first, when fired, causes a loud detonation and confusion. The second causes the same noise, confusion and severe irritation of the eyes and nasal mucosa that forces protesters to move away.

Monday night irritant gas was used more widely unforeseen in principle by the riot police themselves, who were not wearing protective masks. On Tuesday, this means was used to a lesser extent.

The agents are also preparing to an even more intense shower of flares and firecrackers or other small explosives thrown by the most violent protesters. On Tuesday night, the appearance of incendiary devices provided more elements of conviction about the presence among the protesters of anti-system activists and football ultras versed in those practices.

The cheerleaders of these riots on social networks, all of them from the Vox orbit, call them “infiltrators”, but in reality They are already the masters of the mobilization. The Police continue to incorporate neo-Nazis and violent people from outside Madrid into this street fight, most of them arriving from Valencia.

During the night a split became evident in the front line of the protest, when a group of Falangists left the area and withdrew their banners, leaving room for neo-Nazis and other anti-establishment people. They are not ruled out, the same sources report, clashes between different sectors of the protesters.

Thrown weapons

The socialist headquarters, one more afternoon, will close with its metal security shutters and behind a wall of police vans. Citizen security agents have asked the owners of cafeterias in the area to store the terrace furniture inside of their premises. Last night, the best prepared ultras brought shears with which they cut the chains They usually tie tables and chairs to trees or lampposts, and all that furniture was used as a throwing weapon against the police at the intersection of Ferraz Street and Marqués de Urquijo Street.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, has not considered the damage as serious of public furniture, which amounts to three containers and five garbage cans, all valued at 2,000 euros, according to their version. This newspaper was able to verify the uprooting of litter bins and a trail of other destruction in the streets of Ferraz, Marquis of Urquijo, Princess and even Alberto Aguilera.

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On the corner of Marqués de Urquijo and Ferraz, the protesters seized heavy two-meter sections of the one-meter-high metal fence that separates the sidewalk from road traffic, and tried to use as a battering ram against riot police. Other objects recorded in the launch that were the most violent are paving stones, small pipes, screws, plastic and glass bottles, soda and beer cans, paint cans in spray, eggs, tomatoes, all kinds of objects from the dumping of garbage cans and, for the second time since these riots began, metal and wooden stakes used for gardening, one meter long.

The demonstration this Tuesday night ended with 39 injured, of which 29 were police officers. In almost all cases, the injuries were caused by objects thrown at people.
