Madrid overwhelms Barça and approaches the League title

The Madrid took an almost decisive step towards league title. He imposed his physique in front of the Barca, overwhelmed the area, in some moments in an overwhelming way, and built an indisputable victory from start to finish by 81-66 that will give him two chances to be crowned and dethrone the Barça team, the first this Sunday also in the Wizink Center.

In a phase of the season in which the forces are scarce, Madrid made a show of muscle and intensity. You have reached the turning point at a splendid time. Deck (14 points) and causeur (13) led the madridistas, but above all it was a collective victory. And, on the other hand, Barça melted completely, very tight on strength, and never found a way to approach the match. The 15 white offensive rebounds and the 19 Barça turnovers were the definitive test. On this occasion, mirotic couldn’t show up to save the Barca and alone Kuric he fought with success (15 points).

“We have one victory left, but it’s the most difficult. We’ve done a great job, we’ve been very solid at the back, but the job isn’t finished,” said the Madrid coach, Chus Mateo. “Once again we have come to play like any other game and it is not,” he lamented. Jasikevicius. “In less than 48 hours, we will have to fight for our lives.”

from start to finish

The Madrid he managed to exploit his party plan much better. His bet was to force penetrations over and over again, putting the Barça defense in a lot of trouble and the result was very favorable from the first minutes (21-16, m. 10). Within the zone imposes its law.

Madrid scored seven baskets near the rim and forced six free throws in the first period. His level of intensity was high against an opponent that was much more lukewarm in his actions, without the forcefulness of the Whites, and who quickly chained several losses. Too many easy point options for his opponent.

Off-center, unable to enter the white zone due to the intimidation of Tavares and Yabusele (Higgins verified it with two blocks in the same action), the azulgrana team dedicated themselves to looking for the triple more than usual, but without more success than that of mirotic in those first few minutes. Only when Kuric managed to enter the game and chain a couple of triples consecutively, Barça managed to adjust the score (38-34).

But Madrid continued to produce goals thanks to their interior dominance, they made the most of Tavares’ interior actions, and found many points in several players who had already appeared in the final such as Causeur and Hanga, but also in others who had barely had a leading role. as Lull and Taylor

Kuric only

The Barcawhich brought back Exum instead of Hayes without much impact, missed more prominence from some players, such as Higgins, Davies or Calathes although he managed to hold on thanks to the fact that Madrid quickly entered the bonus and that even gave him free throws (7 of 7). Thanks to that the differences did not skyrocket in favor of the Chus Mateodespite the fact that the dynamics of the game and the rhythm were clearly from Madrid (46-39 at halftime).

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The Madrid kept up the bet Tavares after the break and the Cape Verdean center further reinforced the Whites’ feeling of superiority (55-42, m. 23). had to show up again Kuric as lifesavers. Seven almost consecutive points of his gave oxygen to Jasikevicius’ team (55-50). But Madrid he did not take his foot off the accelerator and his overwhelming dominance on the rebound catapulted the team from Chus Mateo (66-53), who walked without problems, in the last quarter, towards a victory that seems decisive in this final.

Real Madrid, 81 – FC Barcelona, ​​66

Real Madrid: Hanga (7), Causeur (13), Deck (14), Yabusele (9), Tavares (10)- starting five- Llull (10), Rudy (3), Abalde (2), Poirier (6), Taylor ( 5), Núñez (-), Ndiaye (2)

6 of 25 triples (Deck, 2), 33 rebounds, 15 offensive (Poirier, 10), 11 assists (hanga, 3)

FC Barcelona: Calathes (10), Higgins (3), Exum (5), Mirotic (9), Sanli (-) –starting five- Davies (8), Abrines (3), Smits (5), Laprovittola (6), Kuric ( 15), Jokubaitis (2), Martinez (-)

7 of 19 triples (Kurik, 3), 26 rebounds, 6 offensive (Laprovittola 4), 14 assists (Calathes, 6)

partial: 21-16; 25-23; 20-14;15-13
