Made in Sud, tonight the first episode with two new conductorsO Donna

M.ade in the South is in the starting blocks, tonight there first episode up Rai 2 at 21.20, from the Rai Auditorium in Naples.

With this edition the comedy show reaches the milestone of the first 10 years on state TV (previously it was broadcast on Comedy Central And MTV Italy), and for the occasion celebrates with two new conductors: Lorella Boccia and Clementino. The unprecedented couple is tasked with keeping the comedians who take turns on stage over the course of 8 episodesbut not only.

Made in South: the dancer and the rapper, an unprecedented couple

In addition to presenting, Lorella and Clementino they will try their hand at their respective disciplines – singing and dancing – and wearing the shoes of the other. The exchange could lead to hilarious results. “I’ll teach her to rap,” he says Clementine“But at most I can do the capitone dance.” “Please don’t make me sing. I am out of tune”, Boccia’s reply. In short, the premises for one “lively” management they all seem to be there.

The goal is in fact only one: to have fun and have fun. “People need lightness. He wants entertainment and that’s what we’re going to give », assures the rapper. «We come from a period of extreme suffering, between pandemic and war. Being next to artists who do the hardest job in the world is one great responsibility. Made in South it’s a great team game. I want to give my best and I can’t wait»Assures Boccia.

“This edition comes at a particular time,” recalls Nando Mormone, creator of the program. “We have a task: to bring light-heartedness to people at home.” Also, he remembers that it is the «Longest running comedy program than Rai 2, a source of talent for Rai. There is a need for replacement of conductors and actors and this is an important place ».

Clementino and Lorella Boccia. (Handle)

Lorella Boccia: «Made in Southa dream that comes true”

For Lorella Boccia Made in South represents the realization of a dream. She tells the story of when she told Mormon ten years ago “One day I’ll be on that stage”. Now on that stage she will really go up there, and as hostess. An important milestone. “I did it, but I’m really excited,” she confesses.

Born in 1991 in Torre Annunziata, she has pursued the dream of the show since she was a child. “I’ve always had a huge passion for this job”he says, and all the sacrifices made since early adolescence, when in his days there were only school and dance, have been amply repaid.

Lorella Boccia Made in the South

Lorella Boccia. (Ipa)

His television career began in Friendswho welcomed her first as a dancer, then as a host of the daytime. «I thank Maria De Filippi for giving me a chance. Friends it is a beautiful reality that gives space to young talents “, points out. He later blazed his own path with Colorado (Italy 1), I reveal it (Real Time) e Venus Club (Italy 1). With Made in South he goes back to comedy, but he doesn’t define himself as comical. And as for the future, he prefers to keep his feet on the ground. «I want to enjoy the present and experience this great emotion. Then we’ll see what he has in store for me, ”she explains.

For the presenter it is truly a golden moment. In addition to professional satisfaction, in fact, a few months ago she became a mother. «With the birth of Althea light – fruit of love with her husband, the television manager Niccolò Presta, nda – my life has totally changed. I also changed my approach from the point of view of relationships. Now I try to go deeper », she concludes.

Lorella bowls


Clementino, the protagonist of The Voice Senior

For Clementino, however, the arrival in Made in South is synonymous with debut. The singer and judge of The Voice Senior it’s at his first test as conductor. In the Rai 1 talent show, however, he has already highlighted his qualities from showman. A quick joke and a nice face, she entertained competitors, fellow judges, the audience at home and in the studio with amusing curtains that gave further rhythm to the episodes.

“This is the first time that I find myself presenting. It’s difficult to replace the big players, I’m very excited “, he confesses. Debut anxiety, however, is mitigated by the encouragement of his predecessor, Stefano De Martino. “He told me “I’m really happy that you are there to present”“. In addition, in the past the singer has already trod the stage of the program. “I have often come as a guest. I even included some lines from the comedians in my songs, ”she confesses.

During the live broadcast he will get help from spontaneity«My weapon. The school in the tourist villages as an animator was important, he taught me so much, ”he says. “My parents are amateur actors and they always told me that I should be the last one sitting in the back of the room without a microphone.” There are also several artists who inspire him, including Fiorello, «my point of reference for entertainment. Musically speaking, my references are Pino Daniele, Jovanotti and Fabri Fibra ».

made in sud Clementino

Clementine. (Ipa)

On the international front, however, its myth is Will Smithwho condemns for slapping Chris Rock during the night of the Oscars (“I’m against violence,” he points out), but admires as an artist, started from rap, passed from TV and landed in the cinema. Will he do the same too? “I do not know. I try to face the day here and now with my head held high and down to earth, otherwise you won’t get anywhere ».

The comedians in the cast of Made in Sud

There new edition of Made in South comes with a large cast, only partially renovated. They will be over 45, in fact, the actors called to entertain the Rai 2 audience. Among these, they return Mino Abbacuccio, Arteteca, Alessandro Bolide, Mariano Bruno, Francesco Cicchella, Enzo and Sal, Ciro Giustiniani, Nello Iorio, Matranga and Minafò, Paquale Palma and Simone Schettino. To these are added the Guidonia twinswinners of the latest edition of Such and Which Show.

Among the novelties, the entry of the actor Maurizio Battista and the Neapolitan rapper Livio Cori, recently risen to the honors of the gossip column for his relationship with Anna Tatangelo. Cori will duet with the singer Mavibut who knows who does not compete in freestyle competitions with Clementino. The guest of the first episode, on the other hand, is Maurizio Casagrande.

As for the numbers that the comedians will bring to the stage, some were unveiled during the press conference advances. Battista, Schettino and the Guidonia twins will not limit themselves to their own piece, but they will also break in at other moments of the live broadcast. Will they try to steal the show from the hosts? Cicchella, on the other hand, will interpret Clementino’s consciencewith the aim of transforming him into a “good conductor”.

“Who knows if he’ll succeed,” asks the rapper. In the past few weeks, it seemed almost certain the arrival of Rocco Hunt. However, the singer will not be in the permanent castdue to the departing European tour, but will intervene as a guest in one of the episodes.

The spin-off Those from the north

Faced with a strong program, but with an important territorial connotation, Rai 2 begins to think about a new format, centered on the comedy of the North. The working title is Those of the North and the format is being prepared. “Rai 2 is a network attentive to all realities, its mission is to experiment”assures the director Massimo Lavatore.

