Maddy the model, the documentary on the first top model down

THEl documentary Maddy the model (tonight at 21.15 on Sky Documentaries and streaming on Now) follows Madeline StuartLthe world’s first professional supermodel with Down syndrome. A small revolution in the world of fashion, often criticized for conveying rigid aesthetic standards that are far from reality on the catwalks.

Maddy’s debut took place during the New York Fashion Week of 2015: with his walk and his smile dazzling this girl made the world talk about herself. Accompanied by mom Rosannethe young Madeline represents an example of inclusiveness Without precedents.

Maddy the model: the plot

Director Jane Magnusson he followed with his troupe mother and daughter for over four years, in the private sector and on international catwalks: from Brisbane to China, from Uganda to New York. The two indivisible protagonists always in the race between do you travel, school, gym, home and many sacrificesespecially Rossane who works from morning to night to manage Maddy and her company.

We witness moments intimate between mother and daughter, and tension. Stress and fatigue inevitably pop up from time to time. Maddy is super busy between one event and another, but relaxation comes when he feels the boyfriend Robbie on the telephone. The director follows the model step by step also in her own I walk beyond the personal dream: Madeline is helping redefine the canons of beauty restructuring the philosophy of fashion houses.

A new beauty

There Maddy’s catwalk in 2015 it marked a watershed in extravagant, complex world of fashion. The young down has become symbol of inclusiveness and solid testimony that i dreams can come true, not just for itself. In fact, her story was an inspiration for many who dreamed of realizing their desires in the exclusive glossy world of fashion. Opening the door to a world of different types of beauty that we see today on the catwalk.

Maddy helped the fashion industry to reframe the concept of beauty, to break down preconceptions and rethink aesthetics in general.

muddy the documentary model sky

A scene from “Muddy the Model” on Sky.

The strength to be yourself

With its over 700 thousand followers on Facebook and 350,000 on Instagram Madeline Stuart is a celebrity followed by international media around the world. How did she do it? Simply by believing in itself.

In an era where aesthetic homologation is powered by social networks, the diversity becomes wonder, surprise and energy vital. And so, after that 2015 show, other models with Down syndrome entered the fashion world. There is no need to cry out for a miraclebut something has moved and Maddy has helped to sow the seeds of change into the ground.

