Macron wants to raise retirement age in France to 65 years | Abroad

French President Emmanuel Macron proposes a gradual increase in the retirement age to 65 in his program for the upcoming presidential elections. Macron also wants a minimum pension of 1,100 euros for those who have had a full career, government spokesman Gabriel Attal said today at the French channel RTL.

Raising the retirement age is a “responsible reform” for Attal. The increase in the minimum pension is a matter of “justice”, it also sounded. Macron also wants to get rid of special pension systems, such as those with the Paris public transport company RATP or energy company EDF. Attal referred to such a reform that had already been introduced for starters at the French railway company SNCF.

According to the government spokesman, there will be consultations with the trade unions before the reforms. Business newspaper Les Echo had previously reported the news. Macron wants to raise the current retirement age from 62 to 65 by 2032, according to the newspaper.

Corona crisis

Macron previously aimed for a retirement age of 64, but those plans eventually flew to the trash due to the corona crisis. In 2020 there was a lot of street protest, with strikes, against the pension plans.

Macron is making a bid for an extended stay at the Elysée in April. The first round is scheduled for April 10. The leader of the center party La République en marche is well ahead in the polls. Marine Le Pen of the far-right Rassemblement National would be the opponent in the second round, according to the polls.

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