Macron calls on Berlin for European solidarity over rising energy prices | Abroad

Macron launched his message in an interview also published today in business newspaper Les Echos. “We cannot stick to national measures. That would lead to disruptions (of the market, ed.) on the European continent. (…) Our Europe, as with the COVID crisis, is facing the moment of truth … We must act in unison and in solidarity,” said the French head of state.

According to critics, the government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz is playing ‘cavalier seul’ with the 200 billion euro support plan to support families and companies in the face of sky-high energy prices. Several European countries are therefore increasing the pressure for more financial solidarity. According to Macron, Germany is now “at a point where it is changing its model” and its “destabilizing effect should not be underestimated. “If we want to remain coherent, we must not introduce national strategies, but a European strategy.”

Macron also expressed his confidence in “the strength of the Franco-German axis” and the ability of both countries to build an ambitious strategy.

On Thursday and Friday, European leaders gather in Brussels for a summit. They will try to work out a common strategy to deal with high gas and energy prices.
