Macron: agreement on removal of heavy weapons from Ukrainian nuclear power plant

Zelensky: 800 million needed to patch up the power network and get through the winter

Ukraine needs 800 million euros in extra emergency aid to get through the winter. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said this on Tuesday via a video message at a donation conference for Ukraine in Paris, according to AFP news agency. With that money, the (emergency) power network of Ukraine must be restored, says Zelensky.

The ongoing Russian attacks on Ukrainian power networks have caused power cuts in parts of the country. The repair services manage to keep the power supply going. “I know it’s a lot of money,” said Zelensky, “but a possible power outage costs even more.” French President Emmanuel Macron attended the conference, stressing that Russia is “sowing terror” by attacking gas and power plants.

During the conference, about seventy countries and international organizations will come together to raise money for Ukraine and coordinate emergency aid.

Read also Every time Ukrainian technicians manage to restore the power grid, but the damage becomes too great

A Ukrainian man pushes his bicycle through the snowy streets of Kiev. Photo Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP

Macron: agreement on removal of heavy weapons from Ukrainian nuclear power plant

An agreement has been reached on the removal of heavy weapons from the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine. French President Emmanuel Macron announced this in Paris on Tuesday, international news agencies report. The plant, which has six nuclear reactors, is currently the largest in Europe and is owned by Russia. “Our goal is to protect Zaporizhia. The coming weeks will be crucial,” Macron said.

An official confirmation of the agreement from Moscow has not yet been received. The Kremlin has not yet responded to Macron’s words.

The announcement came on Tuesday at an international conference that Macron is organizing in the French capital, which focuses on the reconstruction of Ukraine. Dozens of world leaders and hundreds of French companies are taking part. The agenda includes the restoration of the energy grid after Russian attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure and access to food and water for Ukrainian citizens.

Russia and Ukraine regularly accuse each other of firing on the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, a city located in southern Ukraine. Shelling would repeatedly destroy the facilities. These developments are also of concern to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The IAEA has been warning for months about a new possible nuclear disaster in Zaporizhia.

Read also: Concerns about the safety of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant
