Macri’s resentment and the PRO identity crisis

Mauricio Macri He said it in a talk with businessmen, in April in La Rural: “There are more and more angry people, who believe that everything must be blown up.” And he added: “I believe that almost everything should be dynamited”. There are several former officials of that Cabinet who They feel far from the Macri 2023 model.

Carlos Claá, author of the NOTICIAS cover story of this week, provides the sincerity of a man who closely followed the presidential management of Macri: “If they proposed to me to be a minister of a right-wing, conservative and reactionary government like Bullrich’s is going to be, I would not have accepted,” he says.

Shortly after celebrating two decades of existence, the PRO is undergoing a profound debate. MARCI’S RESENTMENT AND THE PRO IDENTITY CRISISis the cover title of NEWS this week.

A shipowner from the yellow party exposes the crisis outside of politics: “There are things here -he says- that can only be explained from the psychological level”. That is why one side and the other accuse each other of “treason”. The relationship of the main PRO leaders is broken and many believe that there is no going back.

Also on this week’s cover Morena Rial and her family reality show. the war for the television show between Feinmann and Jonatan Viale. And, regarding the environmental controversy between James Cameron and Gerardo Morales, the phenomenon of the greem fakers, the green celebrities with weak roles.

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