Macaques in Japan, between attacks and female leadership

THEL Japan is attending a decidedly unusual phenomenon concerning his celebrities macaques. Since last July 8, in fact, There have been numerous attacks by the primates against the inhabitants of the prefecture of Yamaguchi.

Hanami, Japan is tinged with pink and white for the cherry blossom

At least 45 people injured

The city of Yamaguchi is located in southwest Japan, in a valley surrounded by mountains, on the country’s main island, Honshu. Japanese macaques have always lived in the areaas in many mountainous areas of the country. They usually stay close to the thermal water springs and no particular events are remembered in which their strength fell towards man.

For some weeks, however, they have been occurring really unpleasant episodes; 45 people have been injured, inside or outside their homes. Scratches, marks on the hands and legs, bites on the neck. Nothing very serious at the moment. But the problem remains.

A man enjoys the thermal waters of Jigokudani-Onsen (Hell Valley) with local macaques. (Photo by Koichi Kamoshida / Getty Images)

Local authorities have tried to contain this phenomenon, with traps, nets and tranquilizers. And all this by inviting people to close themselves well inside their homes. But very few of their attempts have been successful. Just a couple of days ago, Tuesday August 2nd, they managed to capture a male specimen that had sneaked into a high school yard. She reported it France Presse. Having been identified as one of the perpetrators of the recent attacks, he was later killed. According to reports, he was 4 years old and about half a meter tall. However, his death did not stop the monkeys’ raids.

Man vs macaques, fighting for the same environment

If the Japanese city authorities have stated that assaults such as those we have seen in recent weeks are in fact rarea local wildlife expert and associate professor at the University of Kobe, Mieko Kiyono, explained that these events are occurring due to the increase in the macaque population (species intended to be protected and conserved). To which the progressive reduction of their natural habitat.

What to do when you meet a macaque? Masato Saito, an official of the Yamaguchi City Hall, explained to Associated Press who «are very intelligent and they tend to sneak up on them and attack from behind, often grabbing the legs“. How is it best to behave if you are faced with one of them? “Don’t look him in the eye, let him see you as big as possible – for example by opening your jacket – and back away as silently as possible without making any sudden movements ».

The macaques of Japan at the Rome Bioparco. Credit: ETTORE FERRARI ANSA-CD

The new Alpha among macaques is female

Meanwhile in the Japanese island nature reserve of Kyushu is another unusual phenomenon occurring. Ethologists have observed the climb to the dominance of a female specimen, it is the first time this has happened in the 70 years of the reserveas the newspaper reports The Guardian.

The female Alphawho is 9 years old and known with the name of Yakeitook the lead of a group of 677 macaques, after challenging and defeating the 31-year-old former leader of the group, Sanchu, who had been in charge of one of the reserve troops for years.

According to the English newspaper, Yakei would have started his climb last April by beating his mother for the leadership of Takasakiyama Zoo in Oita city. But instead of stopping at her parent’s point, Yakei decided to go further and challenge the top male boss. Beating him in June. The park wardens, incredulous at the possibility that a female had really taken over, took a test, scattered peanuts in the reserve and observed the scene. Sanchu, instead of helping himself, stepped aside, leaving the tasty reward to Yakei. Confirming his status as an Alpha.

Since then, reserve staff told the Guardian, Yakei shakes the trees as a sign of power and above all walks proudly with her tail straight, something female macaques have never done before. It is also empowerment in the world of macaques.

