Maastricht has lowest percentage of driving license holders | 1Limburg

Maastricht has the lowest percentage of driving license holders in Limburg. There the percentage per hundred thousand inhabitants is 64.1 percent.

This is according to figures from Statistics Netherlands.

The percentage of drivers in Vaals is also low. There, 64.6% of the inhabitants have a driver’s license.

Most driver’s license holders
In Mook en Middelaar and Voerendaal most owners of the pink pass. In both municipalities, 86.3 percent per 100,000 inhabitants has the right to drive. The municipalities of Peel en Maas and Nederweert follow with both a percentage of 86.1.

In total 11.4 million Dutch people have a driving license. In the past second ‘corona year’, more than 178 thousand people obtained their driving license. That is about eight percent more than in 2020. However, the number of people who got their pink pass last year is considerably lower than before corona.

No driving lessons and exams
It is important to know that due to the corona pandemic, driving lessons and exams could not take place for a long time. In the period from March 16 to May 16, 2020, the intelligent lockdown, all driving tests were cancelled. Just like in the lockdown from the end of December 2020 to the beginning of March 2021. During the lockdown that started in December last year, classes and exams could continue. At the time, these were classified as essential services.
