Maarten van Rossen is hit by Evert Santegoeds: ‘So stupid!’

Maarten van Rossem receives another verbal blow from Evert Santegoeds in the tail end of the row about his Jinek statements. The editor-in-chief of Privé thinks the TV star is ‘extremely stupid’.


The riot about Maarten van Rossem’s inappropriate statements about Eva Jinek’s pregnancy is milked out to the last drop. Now that the jury member of De Slimste Mens has apologized and has hit the presenter back, Maarten receives a final verbal blow from Evert Santegoeds.

Extremely painful

The Private boss thinks it is more than justified that Eva Maarten has replied. “Maarten van Rossem was just extremely stupid, of course. You can’t say that there is too long a time between two children,” says Evert in the daily podcast Strictly Private.

Maarten was short-sighted, according to the magazine maker. “Who knows how Eva has been trying to get pregnant, which didn’t work out. It’s extremely painful.”

Old Bumblebee

It especially bothers Evert that Maarten always looks down on the gossip media, but now goesssip more loudly. “Then I think: well, as an old grumpy bear who always looks down on magazines and gossip, you shouldn’t be in that field at all, because it’s a profession after all.”

Colleague Jordi Versteegden: “I hope that from now on she will also enjoy her pregnancy, because that is very important.”
