Maarten van Rossem receives punishment from AD and VI: ‘He is so sad!’

Maarten van Rossem is punished by both AD diva Angela de Jong and the men of Today Inside. They believe that his collaboration with Emma Wortelboer reveals a lot. “Too much.

© Roy Beusker

It is becoming increasingly clear that Maarten van Rossem is not at all averse to media attention. In fact, there have been rumors for some time now that he actually has an above-average need for attention. And so it is possible that he is currently on television in a program with the Eurovision Song Contest screamer Emma Wortelboer.

Primal urge

Angela de Jong is now really disappointed in Maarten, she shows in her AD column. “Is it the intoxicating attention of a camera on your nose? Is it a primal urge to want to continue to matter?”

She never looks at Maarten with the same eyes again. “If there is one person who always expresses his (justified) disgust at those stupid TV shows with celebrities who have come to consider themselves a bit too important, it is him. But the sad conclusion after Thursday is that even the most stubborn mind cannot withstand the lure of TV.”


René van der Gijp thinks that Maarten’s difficult childhood is the cause of his current urge to appear on TV. “I read the piece in the Volkskrant about his youth, that he was laughed at as a child at school. Now he had another problem that things weren’t going well with his parents,” he says Today Inside.

He continues: “Then you indeed get that when you are 80 years old, you are sitting at a talk show table and you only find it important when it is about you. Quite sad. It’s quite sad that man. What should you do with it now?”


Johan Derksen thinks that Maarten disqualifies himself. “I find it incomprehensible that he does that. That combination is also wrong. That’s grandfather and granddaughter. And then that hysterical teacher. If you see those images he would have to say: ‘Yes, but I am not going to work with that teacher.’ That doesn’t fit.”

Colleague Wilfred Genee: “It is also a bit uncomfortable to hear such a man talking about tongues and condoms. Then I think: what is it about?”

Johan Vals: “I’m curious to see what he will say when the chapter on showering, hygiene and bathing comes along.”

Too happy on TV

Wilfred is really surprised by it. “Does he want to be on TV too much? Is that it?”

Johan: “Yes, he has some compulsive disorder that he has to be on TV.”

Hélène Hendriks puts things into perspective: “That’s just vanity! Don’t we all have that?”

Wilfred: “You think it’s a bit too much from Van Rossem? That you think: Maarten, think about it for a moment.”

Johan: “That man has built up a certain status as a scientist, hasn’t he? It was an American expert. Then I think a knowledge quiz would suit him, but if you start doing these kinds of popie-jopie programs, you are destroying your own status.”
