Maaret Kallio received her grandmother’s medallion in the dance competition

Maaret Kallio danced on Sunday with her grandmother’s locket around her neck.

There were tender moments in the Dancing with stars competition on Sunday, when star couples told stories about their own lives through dance.

Psychotherapist Maaret Kallio owned Sami Helenius the Viennese waltz he danced with Far from everything to his own grandmother.

Grandma is to be thanked for the fact that Maaret showed up for the whole race in the first place.

Maaret presented her grandmother’s locket. Atte Kajova

– Grandma liked this program. The corona years were difficult and grandma took care of grandpa with dementia.

– I thought that this is going to be a crazy autumn for grandma when I’m in the competition, Maaret said.

Unfortunately, the over-ninety-year-old grandmother was no longer watching the show, at least on television, because she passed away before the start of this TTK season.

– Maybe he looked somewhere, Maaret thought.

Tippa managed to get into the lens several times during dance training.

– Already the first time, when Sami showed the choreography alone, tears came. But it’s only good, it’s love. It’s good to go through emotions, Maaret analysed.

For Maaret, Sunday was touching not only because of the show but also because she got a concrete memory of her grandmother:

– Mother brought me grandma’s locket, which grandma always wore around her neck. He also had it when he died.

– I don’t know if there’s anything inside. I didn’t have time to open it, but I immediately put it around my neck, Maaret stated and pulled out the locket from under her dance dress.

The TTK jury praised Maaret and Sami’s presentation.

Helena Ahti-Hallbergin according to him, the pieces have started to fall into place and, among other things, the dance position has improved tremendously. Jorma Uotinen especially praised the atmosphere of the dance. Jukka Haapalainen according to Sunday saw the pair’s best performance so far.

Maaret and Sami got 21 points.

They came under the threat of relegation, but made it to the next round.

Dancing with the stars on MTV3 channel on Sundays at 19:30. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
