Maandag was warmest day ooit received op aarde en he lijkt nog erger op komst: “Goed mogelijk dat komende zes weken nóg warmer dagen volgen” | Instagram VTM NIEUWS

The average temperature on the wall was nog nooit zo hoog as gisteren. This reports hoofdwetenschapper dr. Robert Rohde van Berkeley Earth, a financial organization that is concerned with the analysis of land temperature data for climate control.

Rohde bases itself on the requirements of the Americas NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction), a responsibility of the National Weather Service in the United States. “The NCEP has the average temperature on a card is defined as the warmest day it is measured by men”, aldus Rohde.

The result of the NCEP was that the average temperature on May 3rd was 17.01 degrees Celsius, while the previous record of 16.92 degrees Celsius was broken. That was announced in August 2016.

The air temperature smouldered when it was 12 and 17 degrees at the beginning of July in the period from 1979 to 2000, averaging 16.2 degrees.


The Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) from the NCEP started in 1979. De gegevens go back to 44 years ago. “Maar other datasets later ons verder terugkijken and conclude that het gisteren really warmer what dan op little other moment are the instrumentele metingen started and waarschijnlijk also long daarvoor.”


The result of the hoofdwetenschapper van Berkeley Earth can het zelfs nog erger be. “Het is good that he in de komende zes weken next more warmer days will follow”, waarschuwt hij. Over het algemeen blijft de middelde wereldtemperatuur stijgen tot and July-beginning of Augustus.

As a result, there is a combination of climate change and El Niño. “De opwarming van de aarde leidt ons naar een onbekende wereld”, says Rohde nog.

KIJK. What is the natural change in El Niño? Our journalist Martijn Peters puts uit

De afgelopen junimaand brak also al verschillende records, in Azië maar also in Europe. So was in ons land de voorbije maand the warmest and zonnigste are the beginning of the metingen. The average temperature in June was just above 20 degrees.

Temperature records in extreme weather conditions in zicht: “All the conditions for El Niño zijn aanwezig”

This weekend tropical temperatures: is it a new hittegolf op komst? Of stevig onweer? (+)
