Maajussita Victoria charms with her social media photos

The garden entrepreneur from Laitila made men flock to her Instagram by participating in the Maajussille bride program.

In the latest season of the Maajussille morsian show, a Laitila native is looking for love, among others Victoria32, who grows summer flowers for sale on his farm.

Victoria has said that she dreams of an open, honest, mobile and active man.

Sporty, who also performed in the Lamourettes show dance group in the past, Victoria got a lot of attention already after the Maajussille bride introduction episode in the spring. Victoria told Iltalehti that some eager partner candidates even went looking for her in Laitila.

In addition to summer flowers, Victoria’s farm also grows fruits and vegetables. Juha Sinisalo

The mother of two children, who enjoys being in front of the camera, publishes on his Instagram pictures where you sometimes pose in scanty clothes.

Victoria hasn’t done any actual modeling work, but on her Instagram you can find, among other things, a photographer Mikko Virtanen summer photos taken that would be suitable for a fashion magazine page:

Amazing shots and the subject of the photos are being incensed on Instagram:

– Beautiful.

– Oh my goodness!

– It’s pretty.

– Really beautiful pictures once again. The camera likes your beauty and so do I.

One of Victoria’s Instagram followers is also asking about the bed sitter’s sister:

– Is my sister free?

The blonde sister was seen in the introductory episode with Victoria at the gym.

Victoria is one of the four landlubbers who made it through the introductory episode, i.e. whose search for love is followed on television.

Maybe the sister will also appear in one episode?

For Maajussi on the bride’s MTV3 channel on Mondays at 8 p.m. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
