Lyon in chaos and last: all Grosso’s problems

The former world champion is under fire for training that is too hard, while part of the locker room considers it inadequate. Today the coach canceled training. Sunday is the match against Gattuso’s OM

Alessandro Grandesso


Last in the standings, Lyon is sailing in the fog. Between gossips, suspicions and the hunt for spies who speak in the media. Not exactly the ideal climate for Fabio Grosso, called just over a month ago to relaunch a team which however failed to take off. And not even to win a single match since the start of the season. The three points, out of 27 possible, are the result of three draws. One with the former Italian on the bench who now also has to resolve locker room intrigues, where there are those who complain about working too much and paint the coach as inadequate. Also for this reason, Grosso decided to cancel today’s training.


After Sunday’s home defeat, 1-2 with Clermont who were bottom before kick-off, Lyon has entered a new phase of the crisis. Yesterday, on the waves of RmcSport, all the discontent of a part of the locker room towards the Italian coach emerged, who some more experienced players would even consider “a casting error”, or in any case not up to par. And too severe too: Grosso in fact punished the world champion Tagliafico, sending him to the stands on Sunday, for having gone to watch Argentina’s world rugby semi-final in Paris. The work imposed was also too much, according to a part of the team who did not like the load of training, often doubled in reality with the aim of recovering an acceptable physical level that would allow Lyon to produce a more aggressive and intense game for the entire 90′.


The lack of results did the rest. Hence the leak of rumors about internal discontent that infuriated Grosso. So today the Italian kept the team informed in the locker room and, according to L’Equipe, asked for the spy to come forward. Half an hour of silence ensued and in the end Grosso sent everyone home, making fun of their tiredness: “Today then I’ll rest.” Tomorrow morning, however, Lyon resumes preparation in view of Sunday evening’s match against Rino Gattuso’s Marseille.
