Lying on your CV on Linkedin is no longer worth it – Fake accounts and exaggerated resumes are being disciplined

Exaggerated resumes and fake accounts created with artificial intelligence have been a problem with the service.

Linkedin is a service owned by Microsoft. JOHN G. MABUNGALOW

The work-related social media service Linkedin released a long-awaited reform that enables verification of work experience. On Linkedin, employers can announce a job vacancy and users can also share professional skills and related publications.

The service’s problem has been fake accounts, where one exaggerates one’s own skills and makes false resumes. In addition, there are also fake accounts created with artificial intelligence used in service for example, to make cryptocurrency scams.

The innovation is currently in the trial phase. Activating the update is also not mandatory to use the account.

Verification of work experience is done through work e-mail or Microsoft identification. Certification is currently available at certain companies.

In e-mail verification, the service verifies work experience based on the e-mail extension. In Microsoft identification, the company must have Microsoft’s Entra Verified ID service available in order to verify the workplace.

Previous certification methods are available worldwide. In addition to these, in the United States it is possible to verify the user’s identity with electronic identification.
