LWV director hopes for new support for companies | 1Limburg

Huub Narinx, director of the Limburg Employers’ Association (LWV) hopes that entrepreneurs will again receive financial support from the government.

Many companies are in dire straits. Not only because of the corona pandemic, but also because of the increased inflation in recent months.

“As an entrepreneur, you will only perish as an entrepreneur because of corona. Such an entrepreneur then had to close his tent in the interest of public health, for all of us. Then it would be very sour if such an entrepreneur now goes bankrupt. customization must come, you have to look at a company what it was like before corona,” said Narinx in the Nieuwsshow on L1 Radio.

To invest
When entrepreneurs are dealing with debt, it can be quite problematic. “You cannot repay the debt for the time being and you can no longer invest. You have to continue to innovate, especially in sectors such as events, travel, culture and catering. You also need capital to invest in order to attract people to you,” explains Narinx to.

Companies also have to cover themselves because of rising inflation. According to Narinx, this can be done by adjusting the contracts: “The prices today are daily prices, so people have to take into account that the price may be more expensive in a few months. You have to legally record unforeseen prices in contracts.”

The LWV director expects companies to go bankrupt in the near future. This is also due to a catch-up effect of the past two years. “Because in the past two years we have had fewer bankruptcies than usual due to the support measures, but that is the natural functioning of the market. Our point is that you have to help the entrepreneur, who was completely debt-free before corona.” The LWV therefore regularly consults with ministries to see where help can be offered.
