LUMC director steps down after revelations about subsidy fraud

The vice-chairman and dean of the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Pancras Hogendoorn, is temporarily stepping down following reports of subsidy fraud within the academic hospital. A spokesperson for the LUMC confirmed this on Saturday NRC.

Follow the Money and Omroep West reported on Saturday that the specialized agency Percuros, which had to obtain European research funds on behalf of the LUMC, had been fraudulent with applications for years. For example, the agency applied for subsidies for researchers seconded abroad who in reality did not exist. Since 2008, Percuros has received millions of euros in research subsidies.

Signs of fraud

In 2019, there were already signals at the LUMC that fraud was taking place. At the end of 2021, a PhD student pointed out the fraud to LUMC director Hogendoorn. The hospital did not intervene. The PhD candidate therefore reported a few months later to REA, the agency that distributes European research funds.

The REA launched an investigation and concluded at the end of last year that there had been ‘serious’ and ‘systematic’ violations of subsidy agreements. The LUMC is also said to have used “all possible means” to prevent this from coming to light. Only after this did the LUMC break ties with Percuros.

According to the spokesperson, Hogendoorn’s resignation is temporary, because he wants to await the results of the LUMC’s own investigation into the matter.
