Lukaku, World call-up: today the exams then the choice of Martinez

At the last European Championship, the City midfielder was called up even though he was recovering from an injury, for the decisive coach the possible recovery for the match against Croatia

These are decisive hours for Romelu Lukaku’s participation in the next World Championships in Qatar. Today the Inter striker will undergo a visit that will clarify, perhaps once and for all, the extent of the relapse on the scar of his left thigh in the match against Sampdoria at the end of October. Considering that tomorrow at 12 the coach Roberto Martinez will officially announce the list of those who will fly to Doha, it is easy to understand how much the answers that will arrive in these hours will be “heavy” and decisive for the participation of Big Rom in the World Cup.


In Belgium they ensure that Martinez is trying to buy time, to decide at the last moment because he does not have another player with the characteristics of the former United and because in attack even Hazard is not at 100%. The coach will in fact rely on the medical staff: if he is guaranteed that the Nerazzurri striker will be ready to play at least the third match of the group stage, that of December 1 against Croatia, then he will put him on the list. Otherwise he will make the painful cut, also in order not to feed unnecessary expectations about recovery.

Previous De Bruyne

In Belgium, the injury to Lukaku was experienced with frustration by the fans who know they are reaching this World Cup with the weakest formation in recent years because, as mentioned, Hazard and Origi are also not well, while the defense is “elderly” and not. offers guarantees. It is clear to everyone that, even if Lukaku flies to Doha, he cannot be at 100% because he comes from a separate training period and from at least two injuries to the same muscle, the hamstring of the left thigh and the tendon in that area. The last race as a starter was played on August 26th … The precedent that gives hope to the fans of the Red Devils is that of 2016 when Romelu himself had recovered from a muscle problem and was put back on his feet in time for the European Championships in which, it must be said, did not make havoc (and was neutralized by Conte’s Italy at the debut). But there is also another case, the recovery of De Bruyne who, before the last European Championships, won by Italy, was not well due to a traumatic injury. The midfielder was still put on the field. Although not 100%. The feeling of public opinion is that Martinez can choose the same path for Lukaku even if there is a difference: the bomber’s is a muscle injury. Indeed a relapse. This is the reason for today’s exams, 24 hours after the announcement of the list.

Pogba case

Today perhaps many things will be clearer: if the medical assessment shows progress and Romelu can start working at least in the gym (not just doing therapies), then the hopes of seeing him in Qatar will increase. Otherwise it should not be excluded that it is the player, consult the people closest to him and Inter, who will explain why he will not be able to go to Doha and concentrate only on returning to 100% in view of the second half of the season with Inter.
