Lukaku, who is Sebastien Ledure

He speaks four languages, has worked with Depay, Saelemaekers, De Bruyne. Inter and Chelsea are looking for him, but he can’t be found

Vincent D’Angelo

The man who signed the return operation, twelve months later risks becoming the protagonist of the most sensational about-face in Inter’s recent history. Sebastien Ledure is playing multiple tables, creating confusion, releasing ghosts. Nobody knows where he is now, because the phone rings empty. He should take care of Romelu Lukaku’s interests and therefore fight in the front row to convince the English club to release – definitively – the Belgian striker again this year. And instead he is playing into his game, exploiting Big Rom’s character weaknesses.

double play

He has been reassuring Inter for some time, prompting the club to quickly reach an agreement with Chelsea so as to be able to reassure Lukaku. But instead – evidently – he is working for his personal gain, knocking on all the doors where he knows he will find an interlocutor interested in Lukaku. By raising the price of Romelu’s future salary and – consequently – also his transfer commission and the value of the percentage he will be entitled to from Lukaku’s new salary. In short, a true devil’s advocate since he has always fought – in his words – “so that the prosecutors of professionals do not play a double game because it often happens that the interests of the various clients are not pursued, but personal ones”. For the series “preaching well and raiding badly”.

The carreer

A Belgian lawyer specializing in sports law, Ledure speaks English, French, Dutch and Italian. In 2016 in Brussels he created Cresta, the international sports law firm which, through Cresta Leaders and Cresta Talents, deals with exclusive consultancy for established or launching players. Not only that, though. Since 2018 he has worked in the process that has engulfed Belgian football, a sort of Belgian “soccer city”, with dozens of suspects for crimes, from tax fraud to money laundering, linked to salaries, commissions and transfers. His motto is “we only defend the interests of the athlete: no conflicts of interest”. But now it’s complicated to make Inter understand, who until yesterday had the certainty of Lukaku’s unconditional love who now, however, seems at least shaky. Lawyer Ledure, who has also worked with De Bruyne, Depay and Saelemaekers in his career, is looking for one last about-face, a sleight of hand that would enrich him and definitively expose all of Lukaku’s character weaknesses. Not the best way to serve the interests of the superstar of him.
