Lukaku trains in Sardinia and awaits Inter’s move to Chelsea this week

The Belgian is already sweating with his trusted athletic trainer and personal physiotherapist. The goal is to be ready on July 13, the day Inzaghi’s team meets, but he will only be able to cross the Pinetina entrance gate if an agreement has been reached with the Blues in the meantime

Andrea Ramazzotti

Romelu Lukaku is already sweating in Sardinia under the orders of a trusted athletic trainer and the physiotherapist who has always taken care of his muscles. He plays Big Rom in advance: he has lived through a complicated season in terms of injuries and, as a great professional as he is, he wants to restart strong. Forget the long months, from August 2022 to January 2023, in which he spent more time in the infirmary than on the pitch. With the arrival of spring he returned to being very incisive in front of goal (he finished with 14 goals) and from there he wants to start again to launch an important signal in the season leading up to the European Championships in Germany.


Romelu has his family and a few friends with him. He doesn’t train all day and is above all restoring his body and mind after his recent commitments with the national team. Sardinia has entered his heart and even this summer he will spend some time there, before and after a “trip” elsewhere. He will always keep his cell phone on and in the next few days he hopes to receive the right call from the Inter managers. In Viale della Liberazione they have not yet set up a new appointment with Chelsea, but when they are sure that the Brozovic deal has gone through (complete with 18 million transferred by the Arabs to the Inter account), the CEO Marotta, sporting director Ausilio and his deputy Baccin are ready to re-establish relations with the Blues. After Ausilio’s summit in London last week and the subsequent talks carried out above all by the Belgian’s entourage, the Zhang club has understood that a new meeting and an effort are needed to give Inzaghi the first request made at the post-final summit in Istanbul : Lukaku’s confirmation.


Chelsea have entered the order of ideas to sell Big Rom. Enough with the loans: after the purchase offers received from Saudi Arabia and Milan, the patron Boehly and his market men want to monetize his departure and the ‘Inter have no other way to keep him than to buy him. Perhaps through a “creative” formula, such as a loan with an obligation or with a conditional obligation (more difficult). Since this is an operation with foreign countries, there is no need to place guarantees and this helps, but the Blues’ request for 40 million will still have to be “filed”. The idea may be that of a onerous loan with an obligatory redemption in the summer of 2024. To lower the impact on the Nerazzurri’s 2023-24 budget. Lukaku will play the part of him putting further pressure on Chelsea to close the matter quickly and not have to show up for training in London. In mid-July we see the Pinetina, but for this to happen, Inter must accelerate already this week.
