Lukaku-Inter, the lawyer Ledure reveals the details

The sports law expert who joined Big Rom in the negotiation between the Blues and the Nerazzurri in place of the agent Pastorello: “Impossible without the change of ownership at Chelsea. Romelu only wanted Inter.” The salary cut? “Less than you think” …

The background and the implications of the “market hit so far most sensational”, directly from the words of those who led and completed it in person. To speak is the lawyer Sebastién Ledurewhich in a long interview with the Belgian newspaper The Libre shed light on the reasons and on the negotiation that brought Romelu Lukaku back to Milan to wear the Nerazzurri shirt again. The sports law expert who looks after the interests of Big Rom talked about everything, starting with his role in a deal that – he revealed – “would not have been possible without the change of ownership at Chelsea”. Ledure then reiterated that “everything was born from Lukaku’s desire” and that “the actual negotiation only started at the end of the season”.


“I have known Romelu for five years, as has his mother”, Ledure began explaining how the partnership with Big Rom began. “He began to ask himself certain questions and his mother talked about it in the bank, so we got in touch. We met two or more. three times, after which she proposed to me to meet her children and, little by little, Romelu began to gain confidence. At the time, she had already decided to part with Mino Raiola to entrust herself to Federico Pastorello. But – Ledure clarified – the fact that the latter was not involved in the negotiations between Inter and Chelsea means nothing. Romelu wanted it because of the close link between Pastorello and the old Chelsea property. He simply did not want to run the risk of some conflict of interest could interfere with the negotiation for the return to Inter, that’s all. After all – observed Ledure – it is no longer a novelty that certain affairs are followed by lawyers and law experts. On the contrary, it is becoming a t endenza among elite players. Mbappé and Griezmann did it, even before Hazard and De Bruyne. Neymar too can count on an entourage of dozens of people who work for him taking care of the different aspects of any operation “.


Going into the details, Ledure clearly spoke of “a very complicated negotiation. At the beginning, no one thought it could go through. How can it be that a player sold for more than 100 million can return a year later to the same club that has not As if that were not enough, it is still necessary to consider that, after the deal last summer, the relations between Inter and the old property of the Blues she had grown quite tense. Without the change of ownership that took place at Chelsea, I doubt that the deal could even have been hypothesized. “The good relationship between the new owners of the Blues and Rocs was also encouraging the return of Big Rom to Milan, reveals Ledure. Nation, the American label of Jay-Z which also has Lukaku among its customers. “The fact that they knew each other and that they have a good relationship certainly contributed to making the negotiation friendly and looser”.


Ledure then dispels the myth according to which it was the famous interview granted to Sky to cause the break between Lukaku and Tuchel, consequently triggering the first contacts between the Belgian and Inter to start the sensational return. “Those words came from the heart and it could be that they were clumsy. It is the result of a personal initiative, which no doubt would not take again. It has suffered the consequences for the rest of the season, contaminating the atmosphere of daily work. But it made me understand that, having reached 29 and being at the peak of his career, he couldn’t afford to waste time and risk throwing another year. It’s no secret that Romelu wasn’t on the same wavelength as his coach, but the negotiations to bring him back to Milan only started at the end of the season “. What were the stages of the negotiation? “A few face-to-face meetings between May and June, but most of it was done over the phone or by videoconference. It was necessary to advance step by step, moving the pieces with intelligence”.


Ledure’s work was in perfect synergy with Lukaku himself. “We have a direct line, he has always been aware of every evolution and has personally attended the most important meetings. In my philosophy there is a need for maximum transparency with the player, because ultimately it is he who must be in control of the situation. “. Ledure also sheds light on the sacrifices and concrete efforts made by Big Rom, starting with the considerable cut in salary. “He has certainly made some sacrifices in economic terms, but far less than the press claims. I read that he would have cut his salary by a third or even half, but that is false. Lukaku will be the highest paid player in Serie A, that is. the fact remains that all the parties involved have made concessions. On the other hand, my job is to serve the interests of the player, certainly not those of Chelsea or Inter. ” Ledure glosses over the amount paid by the Nerazzurri for the one-year dry loan (“you should ask the two clubs involved, but it is an adequate amount with the rates of a loan”). Ledure also reveals that Inter were certainly not the only team interested in offering an escape route to Big Rom, “but I will not mention names and in any case it has never been possible to deal with anyone other than Inter. Romelu has always had clear ideas, his only desire was to return to Milan “.
