Luis Sal against Fedez for Muskio Selvaggio

Fedez and Luis Sal, the feud continues. In June the news of end of the friendship between the two had made the rounds on the web. The YouTuber has abandoned the podcast Wild moss conducted together with the rapper. This is followed by the singer’s version of events and a question and answer between the two. Now, in the last few days, certain things have been circulating rumors about an alleged agreement between the two. Rumors immediately denied by both who reveal that they have taken legal action.

Fedez in tears at

Fedez and Luis Sal: why they argued

The argument between the two broke out after Sanremo. «A work discussion, in which I simply pointed out to Luis how, from my point of view, I had the feeling of having to take care of everything and I didn’t feel support from him. A certainly lively discussion that led us to say, in the end, “let’s take a few weeks to understand what to do”” the singer explained some time ago. Continued a message from Luis to the rapper: «The format at this moment has taken on a connotation that is more Federico’s than Luis’s. I want to dedicate myself to other projects, I don’t want to do the podcast anymore». Hence his absence.

The rapper then explained that the two created the podcast company together. And for this very reason, now, they will have to take legal action.

No agreement between the two

Luis Sal shed light on the rumors that have circulated in recent days about an alleged agreement between the two. That on the profile Instagram of the podcast explained how things really are. «There was no agreement, let alone confidentiality, and indeed we are in litigation (made by Federico) and I am defending myself» wrote the YouTuber.

Adults do this

Words also confirmed by the singer in the Instagram Stories. «I also confirm: there is no agreement, there has never been anything» reiterates the singer. Also confirming the decision to use a lawyer: «When you have a 50/50 society, things are resolved in front of a judge, just like adults do».

