Luis Juez: “Once they robbed me, another time I lost. I won the third”

On Sunday morning, Luis Juez voted and withdrew confident. “It is my third choice”, said the pre-candidate for governor of Córdoba who is one of the protagonists of the STEP. And he completed: “One was stolen, the other I lost. The third time is the charm, I win it. The people of Cordoba need a change”.

“We are going to handle ourselves very prudently. We have carried out a great campaign, visiting every corner of the province”, he said. And he completed: “We need a governor who will go to discuss in Buenos Aires, which is where things are discussed. Living with our backs to the Port has made us have a very expensive province”.

According to the chroniclers of Córdoba, there were some tables that were slow to open, which is why the Juntos candidate was consulted: “We have had a tendency to cool down the electoral campaign, but hey, everything went wrong for them”, said about the performance of local Peronism. And he added: “The most official ones always have those mischief. 15 days ago they started running after us. They bet that it would be cold today and it is a beautiful day.

Judge had time to speak to the leadership of Juntos, for the inmates that are lived at the national level, after advising that We look forward to everyone tonight. They will be welcome”. “We articulated with Rodrigo (De Loredo) Together for Change, 2 and a half years ago. It is an example for the opposition. We have managed to build a very solid alliance.”

About the negotiation of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta to incorporate Juan Schiaretti, held: “I do not care what happens with Schiaretti. Tonight we celebrate and tomorrow we start with Rodrigo, so that he may be mayor of Córdoba ”. And then he talked about his current moment, appealed to his sense of humor: “I have less hair, but enough maturity.”

According to ballot box that they approached Judge at noon, the candidate for Juntos was 4 points above Martín Llaryora, the candidate for the ruling party. In the Hacemos Unidos bunker, they showed a greater difference for Schiaretti’s dolphin. The expectation grows, not only in Córdoba but also at a national level.

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