Luis Enrique in London to see Chelsea. And at Real Madrid they are shaking

The former Spain coach called up by Boehly with his agent De La Pena: in the quarter-finals of the Champions League, the Blues will face Real Madrid, where the Spanish coach is hated

The news would be sensational, the impact tremendous: Luis Enrique on the bench of the away team at the Bernabeu for the first leg of the Champions League quarter-finals on 12 April. The date of Real Madrid-Chelsea. The Blues are looking for the third coach of their unfortunate season that began with Tuchel and continued with Potter and given Nagelsmann’s hesitations they have summoned Luis Enrique to Stamford Bridge. That this morning he took a flight from Barcelona accompanied by his friend and in this case agent Ivan de la Peña.

Long relationship

The news of the trip was given by Gerard Romero, for years a “classic” journalist, who later became a streamer and current president of Jijantes, a team in Gerard Piqué’s Kings League. The Catalan colleague also still does his old job, and moves very well in Barcelona, ​​and learned of the summons to London of the aforementioned duo, ‘Lo Pelat’ and ‘Lucho’, as they were known at the time of Barça. De la Peña and Luis Enrique were together in their Roma days and today the former acts as agent for guys like Gavi and Ferrand Torres, engaged to the daughter of the former Spain coach.

Visceral hatred

Which was burnt by the elimination at the World Cup with Morocco on penalties and is waiting for a new opportunity. There was talk of Atletico Madrid, now here’s Chelsea. ‘Lucho’ defends himself well with English, is free, has energy to spend and clear ideas. And then… And then there’s that mutual and visceral hatred that unites him at the Bernabeu: “Every now and then I look at the stickers from when I was a player, and oh my, how bad is white for me”. One of the famous phrases of the anti-Madrid Luis Enrique. ‘Lucho’ played 5 years at the Bernabeu, from 1991 to 1996, but went to Barcelona (where he became a culé symbol) as a free agent with lots of medical visits done secretly asking for leave from the white club for other reasons.

Rewarding whistles

The Bernabeu despises him more than Gerard Piqué and Pep Guardiola, and if on April 11 he were to present himself at a press conference in the Madrid stadium and on the 12th he were to sit on the bench of the away team, the match between Chelsea and Real Madrid on an emotional level would take everything another colour. “For a Barcelona player it is always gratifying to be booed by the Bernabeu.” Luis Enrique said. This can easily be extended to the Chelsea manager. We’ll see how talks go with restless Blues number one Todd Boehly.
