Luis Brandoni: “it is the same justicialist party that opposed being part of CONADEP”

It is naive to believe that they are going to silence the opposition… The Radical Civic Union has more than 130 years of life”, he starts angrily Louis Brandonithe actor and former deputy of the UCR on the proposal of a law against hate promoted by the government.

“The people who are not Peronists, and who oppose this government, have done in 2020 and 2021 five flags throughout the country, which perhaps are not remembered because they were spontaneous, where no glass was broken and there were no acts of violence,” Brandoni stressed about the self-convened marches during the pandemic

“Now it seems that they are returning with the issue of the 30,000 disappeared… it is the same Justicialist party that opposed being part of the CONADEP“, Said the 82-year-old actor, who ruled out being a candidate again.

“I don’t know who the candidates are going to be because we are going to go to the PASO and it will decide the citizenship. It seems to me that it is much healthier and more democratic that it be through the PASO, both the presidential formula and for the governors,” said the radical referent who avoided speaking out for any of the names that appear in the space for a presidential candidacy, and where Facundo Manes and the governor of Jujuy Gerardo Morales stand out.

I do not want to be a candidate againWhat I had to do, if I had to, I already did as Secretary General of the Association of Actors, much longer than my share. I resigned before finishing because the statute of the Association of Actors prohibits me from having a political position at the same time, “he said in an interview for El Disparador (Delta 90.3), where he recalled his estrangement with the Association of Actors and Alejandra Darín, who read the repudiation speech at the event in Plaza de Mayo on Friday, after the attack against Vice President Cristina Kirchner.

“I have no relationship with Alejandra Darin, I disaffiliated myself from the Argentine Association of Actors because a Kirchnerist association does not represent me. That’s why I left after 55 years of membership. I was questioned and they called me a denierso I sent them a letter and resigned,” he concluded. Louis Brandoni in response to the sister of Ricardo Darín, the union leader who last Friday targeted the “hate speeches” reproduced by “a sector of the political leadership” and the party media.

by RN

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