Luiks Bewakingsbedrijf has megacontract van Europese Commissie within the waarde van 286 miljoen euro | landlocked

Het Luikse Bewakingsbedrijf Protection Unit has a contract within the building of the Europese Commission in Brussel te bewaken. Dat Schrijven verschillende Franstalige cranes on Wednesdays.

The contract of 286 million euros for this year is gigantic for the needs of the four years that have been completed “Maar” 7 million euros in total. “Het is de eerste keer dat een Belgisch bedrijf zo’n groot contract binnenhaalt”, says CEO Nicolas de Angelis.

“Het was a heel ingewikkeld contract met zeer specifieke voorwaarden”, het clicks. The application is large for the Protection Unit, since it is instaan ​​for the guarding of 70 buildings, given that it is mostly known that in Berlaymont there are crèches for the children of the person in charge of the Commission.

De Luikse kmo gaat dan also honderden mensen aanwerven tegen dat de opdracht in oktober van start gaat. “We have no more plans to recruit a person, but we would soon have 1,100 people aannemen with a contract from onboarding during the period.”

For recruitment that focuses on the needs of Brussels in a wide area. “Om aan voldoende people te geraken gaan we ons ook direct op mensen zich buiten de arbeidsmarkt bevinden, we kunnen ze zelf op eight weken tijd opleiden”, Aldus Angelis.
