Luguber: workmen discover skeleton in Ostend

Luguber: workmen discover skeleton in Ostend

The find dates from Saturday but has only now become known. Four workmen were doing refurbishment work in a building on the corner of Sint-Paulusstraat and Kaaistraat. While doing a job in the basement, they bumped into a wall with a skeleton behind it. They called the police, who also informed the public prosecutor’s office.

Working quiet for the time being

“First findings would show that the skeleton dates from the Middle Ages. But further research is needed for the exact dating,” said the spokesman for the Ostend Police Department.

“In the meantime, the Immovable Heritage Agency has been contacted and the history of the property itself will be investigated. The skeleton was covered with foil and earth to prevent further damage to the air. The entrances to the building are closed and sealed. The work has also been completed. temporarily suspended.”
