Luck in an accident: German TV millionaire (56) suffers a heart attack after winning the lottery | Abroad

Ellermann immediately called an old friend of his who was also a doctor. He advised him to go to emergency as soon as possible. “But I didn’t want to at first,” the German millionaire tells ‘Bild’. Eventually, the fifty-year-old realized that it would be smarter to seek medical help and he went to the Sint Adolf-Stift hospital in the North German village of Reinbek.

The diagnosis was quickly made: Ellermann had very high blood pressure and his heart had a pumping capacity of less than 10 percent (in healthy people it is normally 60 to 70 percent, ed.). “Doctors had to stop my heart with an electric shock to get it to beat again in the right rhythm,” says the German.

Meanwhile, the TV character is on the mend. “The doctors told me that if I hadn’t come to the hospital immediately, I could have been dead the next day. In the meantime I have already received a lot of medication, I have lost eleven kilos and my heart palpitations are stable again. I now have to change my lifestyle,” said Ellermann, who is very lucky to be able to recount the incident.
