Lucinda Brand shows super form a week before the World Championships cyclo-cross | cycling

In another race dominated by the Netherlands – the entire top six consisted of Dutch riders – it was Brand who showed himself the strongest. Slowly but steadily she drove away from her compatriots who never came near the Dordrechtse. In the end, her lead over Shirin van Anrooij (sixteen seconds) was not even very big, but she will never have felt that she had a real claim to the win.

With the win, Lucinda Brand takes the lead in the X2O Trophy classification, of which the cross in Hamme is part. She passes Denise Betsema, who finished third.

Incidentally, an important Dutch candidate with Marianne Vos did not participate in Hamme. The young Hungarian Blanka Kata Vas, who already won a World Cup competition this season, was not present either.

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